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__ going on __ and still single

Mar 29, 13 at 9:45pm
I feel love is the attraction to another and the full willness to accept them for what they are. Sadly 90% of the time its not a mutual feeling but a one sided one. Its hard to find someone who is willing to devote everything to you and vice versa. My past 2 relationships I did everything possible to make them happy and yet when I was away or at work they ended up cheating on me. Love is easy to find. Mutual love is the goal.
I'm 25 years old, going on 26, had my first girlfriend at age 19. In total I've only had 3 girlfriends in my life. I'm sad none of them worked out. The saddest part being the worst of the 3 lasted the longest. =/
OP... 18 is still young, you've got years before you need to start worrying ^^; Know that doesn't help but you'll find someone!
I know that feel back when I was in high school, its all about confidence man. Get the boost, you go far. Even then relationships has its own issues now as well. I am going through such.
Yeh Relationship does take effortand go through some bad patches to make things work, but if things seems to go south still though.... Relationships are no cake walk. Next month I might be single again.
im 19 been threw all sorts of relationships none work out so im woundering whats wrong and should i stop trying to find love
You have very many years ahead of you don't feel bad just make sure when the time comes to give it your all. I just got out of a 2 year relationship about a year ago, I just recently started putting myself out there and I could spend a lifetime to find someone to spend it with, while working on myself as a person. "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
Turning 20 in a few days... :D had quite a few boyfriends...only 2 serious ones, one destroyed me, another was complete betrayl...I'm actually with a guy I met on here, He is awesome i realllllllllly like him ^^. We only live 2 and half hours apart from one another so it's really nice ^^. I think that people can really find someone on here :) and have things at least be happy. I've got faith in love XD
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