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__ going on __ and still single

I'm in the same situation. 19 years old and no girl has ever liked me that way. Guess I was just looking in the wrong places
Same here. I'm 24 and have never had a girlfriend, I try to meet people, one of the reasons I love going to conventions so much. But no luck. The worst part is I've wanted a girlfriend since I was just a kid. I'm seriously starting to believe that I'm cursed.
I broke up with my first girlfriend about a year and a half ago (Relationship wasnt even 6 months). I'm 25 now, and I think the way I am... (Not very social, yet... hopeless romantic) doesn't help at all. Also, I don't believe any of us here is "cursed". It's just that "birds of a feather" isn't kicking in, but maybe it's just me...
being not too social can't help but i think u guys shouldn't give up :) i think everyone of u have hope :) And anyone w no experience, maybe you're just meant to find a girl who will make all of your "firsts" the best ever :D BE STRONG XD please :)
I am starting to believe I don't have interesting qualities to attract guys. At the age of 23, I have little to no experience with dating. o.o
I would date all of you! : D If I could v.v" I think I'll just be a sugoi cat person :3 Who's in! XD We should have a biiiiiiiiig house! And just harbor a bunch of little kittehs >:3
Dated a few girls on here but they end up still being in love with their ex's T.T the rest just use me for sex, money, attention you name it, only had a few not work out for dumb reasons but yeah im single now, having a hard time myself as NO ONE can really accept me for the way i am. but you shouldn't give up "Long Distance" relationship CAN work if you have the time, money and will to see a person for the first time its worked for me a couple of times like that, but dating a person near you is way better, anyways good luck guys and the major thing i advise *BE PATIENT*
Who has yet to seriously have a significant other yet? Just curious. I am 18 years old and still have yet to be on one date, have one kiss, or even so much as hold a girl's hand. Who else is in this club? I'm not in the club, but don't worry, when the time comes. each step is a new beginning.
Patience thatguy, I had my first girlfriend at 19, and I know some others who are reaching mid 20s and still haven't had their first. It's hard to really find a significant other.
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