IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
Lunion-San @lunion
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
Lunion-San @lunion
thats some pretty intense dreamin`.... Hope it works out for ya ^.^
talamar @talamar
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
talamar @talamar
Some fantasy Sweets. But hey maybe not multiple guys but maybe one to fit that bill. Am sure a guy or two out there who would love to cover you in chocolate. While said person may not have allthose accents I am sure he could fake it badly for you. There is always someone out there willing to plese hehe.
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
xD hahahahah i know it wont happen sheesh dont be so serious you too it just a fantasy xD it wont happen shhhiiit if that really would happen everyone would see me as a slut but when it comes to a guy fantasy helll nooo hes not the slut at alll xD damn u guys!!i can dream too!just like u guys besides i think a guy washing dishes every night for me be sooo sexy i wouldnt be able to resist to grab that ass lol and the xbox shiiit like u guys ever try fucking a chick on ur game system (ps3 or 360) wouldnt that be hot?lol atleast some of u guys have a good story to tell ur friends at work lol hey man what happen to you online? oh sorry i broke my 360 how? by 360ing my gf xD hahahahahah!!!idk but if i was a guy i wouldnt mind if it broke lol
talamar @talamar
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
talamar @talamar
Oh I never took it serious. Just sayin ya never know. Heck maybe some animelike bishie just fall into your lap.
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
Smang- smash and bang...real women.
talamar @talamar
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
talamar @talamar
See flesh and blood FTW.
timmonsxp @timmonsxp
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
timmonsxp @timmonsxp
They both have there pro's an con's. Anime girls are made to be perfector close enough to it(that's their pro). however you cant interact with them (their con). However real girls are whatever the girl wants her personality to be. (most of the time that's a con). However you can interact with them. (their pro). So if i had to decide i would pick real girls because i can interact with them. If anime girls were real then real girls would probably commit suicide or it would be a war against anime and real girls because pretty much every guy would choose an anime girl because there meant to be perfect.
xueli @xueli
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
xueli @xueli
That's assuming anime girls even want to have anything to do with the guys. If they're so perfect than what's to say they wouldn't want perfection themselves as in anime guys
talamar @talamar
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
talamar @talamar
I dunno Anime Girls always tend to end up with the weirdest guy rofl... Same goes with guys though.. usually an alien nekko with Some mecha power armor wearing a sailor suit or in case of girls some guy that has secret powers that transform him into super powered hero that still seems to be clueless.. Although Minus the Mecha and nekko and super powers Mortal fall into same catagory of falling for goofy people.. least that is my hope or I am Hosed hehe...!
ronined @ronined
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
ronined @ronined
Real life women are the way to go. I will not stop anyone from fantasizing about "fake woman" since I admit I do that every now and then. We just have to realize at some point that we are living in the "real" world and what happens in fantasy usually stays there.
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