IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
Lunion-San @lunion
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
Lunion-San @lunion
Makes it all the more fun...wouldn`t you agree?
I mean...yeh it would be fun to go to school..and suddenly...a harem appeared. But the effort on creating the relationship is half the fun, You will appreciate it more if you work for it. Like all things in life I guess
talamar @talamar
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
talamar @talamar
Well yez technicall def. Wasn't gonna get that deep into it.
talamar @talamar
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
talamar @talamar
Well working towards a relationship is hard but man can it be fun. Gotta love all those first-time things. Can't wait to see them moments. Just altogether fun even tough times lead to good times in the long run.
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
lol =3
Lunion-San @lunion
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
Lunion-San @lunion
Problem is when people screw you over =/
I think we all need Loyal Cosplaying Otaku Lasses!
And Loyal Cosplaying Lads for all you Lady Otakus out there x3
Jobs a good`n
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
.....yea u better bring up males cosplayers for girls *stares*....i was soooo ready to be mean if u didnt xD
talamar @talamar
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
talamar @talamar
Rofl. Yea. Again like Lunion says best of both worlds. Ahhhhhh fantasies. Can't go wrong hehehe.
Rezikai @rezikai
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
Rezikai @rezikai
....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....*marks out rezikai comments*
lol what? A boy can't dream of 5-10 cute asian girls cosplaying Ryoko, Sena/Yorzora, Kissxsis Ako& Riko sisters and Yuuzuki sensei, and maybe some Queen's blade girls too boot, while taking out the trash, cooking dinner, doing the laundry, cleaning my room and drawing a bath for a man? Its like the Beastie Boys "all i really want is girls"
talamar @talamar
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
talamar @talamar
Oh Rez your askin to get lynched by all the females on here with the cookin and cleanin line.
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
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IS anime girls BETTER than REAL girls?=/
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
....slaves...basically you want slaves...okay fine i can dream too ^^ i want guys alll 6 packs of abs short hair nice clean and shave wax with big thich 10 inch cocks and viens and alll dress in hot leather and all sharing one girl and only having me alll me no other chicks and have them all for husbands and drive a nice hummer and have different hubands to fuck each night and bubble bath with a different guy scrubbing my body and dressing me for work and doing the laundry and shaving my legs for me ahhhhhhhh and taking out the trash and doing the dishes and cooking me five stars meals one would be a chief with a french accent who loves covering me up in chocolate and feeding me yummy fruits everyday and waking up to the smell of flowers cause one would be a gardener with an italian accent...and long shoulder lengh hair yummmmy <33333 who grows all the most beautiful of flowers and make me a crown made of those flowers and thorw pedals everywhere i walk ahhhhhhhhh <333333333333333 and a bad boy who rides and fix cars and ride me in them all everyday going for a ride on the monster trucks and motorcycles ahhhh and copcars too my nasty bad boy...with curly hair and sexy ass battle scars...ahhhhh <33333333 then my sexy gamer boy who always let me win in games and love me until his x box does a 360.xD...ahhhhhhh<3333333 gamer boy wow......<333333 i got other and they would alll love me and accept me forever and ever....ahhh a girl can dream.....wooooooooooo!!<333333
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