Don't touch the no no's
mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
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Don't touch the no no's
mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
Nope not a bit, you're just talking about the "deep" south as I like to call it. They're here and there occasionally in Tennessee. but for the most part I'll actually go to other places and be like "wow people here are d$&ks". I actually think it was California when I first thought that, but Comic con was going on when I visited so... Not too sure If that makes a difference.
xueli @xueli
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Don't touch the no no's
xueli @xueli
I hate people stereotyping the south. You see ignorant, uneducated, racist people everywhere in droves, not just the south. You see those assholes even up in California, the supposed liberalist of the liberal. I lived in CA and the way a lot of those people act when they heard I'm from Texas is just stupid ignorant arrogance. You get a bunch of them talking like the south is full of backwater, rural, howdy sir/ma'am, God made the world in 7 days and that's all the science we need, and their own education system is crap. Also you think southerners are the only conservative republicans? It's not like hillbillies don't still exist in the Appalachia and the ozarks
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Don't touch the no no's
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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franky0083 @franky0083
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Don't touch the no no's
franky0083 @franky0083
I can't date a dishonest woman or a woman who likes my money. I can't date a girl who hates the military. I would like a woman who can handle herself and will force me to try new things and that she would also try new things. And she would love me for who I am and not try to change me. And who supports what I do.
Locked. @masuji
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Don't touch the no no's
Locked. @masuji
On the subject of weight being a factor, I would prefer my partner to be in good health, like myself. I'm overweight but not very much so I expect a partner to exercise some discipline and self control. If you're only a bit overweight it doesn't matter but once a woman reaches 250lbs she obviously lacks the ability to make decent choices.
Quadroxzer0mega @quadroxzer0mega
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Don't touch the no no's
Quadroxzer0mega @quadroxzer0mega
Personally, if a girl turned out to be a sex-a-holic super pervert (yes, some guys are afraid of pervs/stalkers), manipulated my emotions to make me buy her things until I was poor, was a blackmailer, made excuses to not see me constantly, hurt people I know to get what she wants, always lied or was constantly bombarding me with intense violence, I would not want to be around them.
franky0083 @franky0083
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Don't touch the no no's
franky0083 @franky0083
I agree with quadroxzer0mega
NujabesRIP @hopeless_romantic
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Don't touch the no no's
NujabesRIP @hopeless_romantic
Ah Xueli I agree with pretty much everything you posted, but my post was strictly centered on losing fat/weight and maintaining it once you're satisfied, not around being fit. There's many more factors that are put into that. I would say fit is a somewhat objective term though I guess. It may mean one thing to someone and another to someone else.
talamar @talamar
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Don't touch the no no's
talamar @talamar
I have Been Avoiding this topic but kept popping up So Might as well add my 2 cents. Only a few things that would be No No's as it was put. Drugs/Major Alcohol Consumption (Both my Parents were alcoholics). Trying to drastically conform and change me (Some change is good but nothing trying to turn me into someone else). Dishonesty (Communication is a Must for any healthy relationship) Manipulation (Don't try to use something to tear someone down or get what you want) Really those are them. While there are things I would prefer Like Non Smoker, Someone who has similar interest I do and likes that are also similar that kinda stuff is not a deal breaker. You just need to get to know that person and I am sure you might even start to love some of what folks also see as flaws. Again all opinions.
chibibree197 @chibibree197
commented on
Don't touch the no no's
chibibree197 @chibibree197
Fat or skinny, tall or short. It shouldn't matter really it's mostly what's on the inside right? I mean unless the person is like morbidly obese or a living skeleton THAT is when you call Oprah... If you're on a dating site you can't be too picky whether they have pudgey or pixie like bodies it shouldn't be an issue coz ERRBODY BOOTYFUL!!!
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