Don't touch the no no's

chibibree197 @chibibree197
Don't touch the no no's
chibibree197 @chibibree197
Soo errbody be sitting up here talking about what they want in a girl/guy. I feel that while this topic can be helpful, it can also become rather trite or boring. Soooooooooo
What do you NOT look for in a guy/girl/dolphin/cat/whatever u find attractive...??!?
Describe the OPPOSITE of what you want in a person~
Chibi's example:
I can't be with a guy who's too shy, that just turns me off. It's okay if we just started dating and you act all cute but after like 2-3 weeks...cut the shit and kiss me, you ninny tit.

rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
Don't touch the no no's
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
I can't be with a girl who wants to force me to do things she wants.
I can't be with a girl who's dishonest with me. I take the truth over a lie.

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
Don't touch the no no's
Phoenix @animecountryboy
I don't think i could be with someone who I can't have an intellectual debate with. There is nothing that agitates me more than someone who i can not have an actual debate/discussion with.

mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
commented on
Don't touch the no no's
mrmanguy15 @mrmanguy15
Kinda with Phoenix and rawrriceball on this one. I like to have a good intellectual conversation with someone once in a while, someone that can see both sides of the subject and is open to opinion. It's pretty much impossible to get me peeved/angry whatever you want to say, but when I start talking to one of those people that are just ignorant to the point you'd be better off talking to a brick wall... I just can't stand it. That and the lying. I'm a person that can handle some verbal abuse so if the truth hurts, so be it.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Don't touch the no no's
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

soulxevans @soulxevans
commented on
Don't touch the no no's
soulxevans @soulxevans
If they aren't honest (cheaters, bops, etc) Like if I asked her about something anything even as a friend and they lied that would be a huge turn off. If they aren't independent, if they can't support them selves or have there own lives that is sort of a turn off. I should be able to go hang with my friends with out my girl friend and she should be able to o hang out with her friends with out me. I'm an independent dude, I don't need a girl or anyone to make me happy or entertained, though I'd enjoy that it's not a need for me, I don't need to be in a relationship or if I am in a relationship I don't need to be with them every second of the day, I don't have a clingy personality, I'd like to be with them as much as I can but that gets boring or you just have to take breaks from each other sometimes, not the relationship necessarily, but just times you can do things your self or go hang out with people that aren't that person I find it helps it stay fresh and new every time. So if a girl needs me to be around all the time I think I'd find that as a bit of a turn off, she should have her own life aside from me ya know?

xueli @xueli
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Don't touch the no no's
xueli @xueli
I can't be with a guy who can't support himself (financially and mentally), clingy, isn't doing anything with his life, and/or really immature. Like it's cool to joke around and have fun and all but time and place ya know? Be serious about some things. Not everything is answered by a meme or 4chan quip

ronined @ronined
commented on
Don't touch the no no's
ronined @ronined
I would say the big ones would be:
Dates me for money

Tuxedo_Mark @tuxedo_mark
commented on
Don't touch the no no's
Tuxedo_Mark @tuxedo_mark
I can't be with a girl that is dishonest, disloyal, has tattoos, smokes, does drugs, drinks a lot (a little is okay), has piercings everywhere, has kids, wants kids, has implants, has excessive drama issues, and/or is in a high-risk profession.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
Don't touch the no no's
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
I agree with Xueli can't be with a b-tard. Can't be with a druggie as well. Can't be with a dummy.
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