Anime Boston? :)

misskittehcat @misskittehcat
Anime Boston? :)
misskittehcat @misskittehcat
just thought id put this out there because we don't have a thread going yet!! yay fellow New Englanders! we should have a meetup

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Can I join even though I am not from there? I visited you guys last year. You guys were awesome.

misskittehcat @misskittehcat
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
misskittehcat @misskittehcat
haha sure if it actually happens lol

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
Yu @metaljester
Hmm i might go to it depending on how good it is i have traveled over 700 miles befor for a con so if its good perhaps

jbrace1990 @jbrace1990
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
jbrace1990 @jbrace1990
I'm going with some friends, I can't wait for it haha

Happiegal @happiegal
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
Happiegal @happiegal
I'm going!!!

Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
I haven't gone to Anime Boston since 2010. This is mainly due to lack of funds and the stress of traveling to and within Boston. If I could, I 'd totally return!

SogeKid @dvdsling
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
SogeKid @dvdsling
Im going to dis.

Rou @roukuro
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
Rou @roukuro
Hi, Im going as well. We should organize a meetup. I say we all meet in the courtyard sometime Friday evening.

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
commented on
Anime Boston? :)
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
Preparations are underway, just need to save more money until then lol.
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