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A "Normal" Otaku

Jul 22, 12 at 8:40am
k3nsh1n4life - How would you like it if someone behaved the way you do in public but for something you're not interested in? Maybe Twilight, religion, or something that generally disinterest you. You're not being normal, you're being obnoxious. It's okay if you do things in private and amongst friends but if you go out of your way to shove something you like down the throat of other's it's disrupting, rude and annoying.
Jul 22, 12 at 11:17am
As for me, i like keeping it "low profile". It's been like this ever since. I guess the reason behind it was because i don't really find much of otakus around my area. It is a fact that ive known a bunch of people who watch Animes specially those top shounen trends but when you tried to talk to them about "otaku stuff" they rarely have the chance to keep the same conversation in flow. Let's just say im otaku whenever i get my hands on my laptop or go to Barnes & Noble to look at the manga section. And i dress up with normal civilian fashion clothing. I guess thats just how i roll. I wonder if anyone else do the same thing as i do.
I get what you mean,but I fail to see in what way it's wrong to live our passions whenever we want. From what I've seen,other,more "normal" fandoms don't mind being public about it,so why should we? Personally,I stopped caring a while ago,and I embrace the otaku that I am :D
Jul 22, 12 at 2:00pm
The title has too much of a loaded meaning for any given individual to make an answer that pleases everyone So in my book, normal otaku is an oxymoron
I don't particularly bother being low profile. I walk around with a Dai-Gurren messenger bag and a necklace I made from an Evangelion keychain most every day. I don't see the problem in using a little Japanese now and again. I played the original Pokemon theme song using a light sensor in lab, and programmed a Lego robot to play the first few seconds from Legend of Zelda while it completed tasks for a final project. I don't see the problem in walking around in many different cosplays as long as some common sense is involved in picking out which. That being said, I know that anything can be taken too far and that there are some times and places when not to do it. However, I don't see why I shouldn't be who I am the rest of the time. So, it might not be popular. I don't care. So, I've had normal girls start to avoid when they found out I liked anime. I don't care. I am me, and I won't hide it or be ashamed. Perhaps other otaku don't like showing it off and dress normally. That's okay, too. What I think is important is being true to yourself without being a jerk about it.
Jul 27, 18 at 11:21pm
Lamby Jul 18, 12 at 1:27am meh i embrace bein an otaku with me whole being! ^^ but im not a wiaboo XP i dont go around going "kawaii deshuuuu :D!!!" XP i do say gomen and arigato and ohayo XP ----------------------------------------------- Looking old threads I always find Lamby's posts. I wonder if she still says gomen/arigato/ohayo. I keep my weebness in check...at least I try-desu ( ̄∇ ̄)
Jul 27, 18 at 11:32pm
A necromancer is in our midst. And he calls for Lamby.
crap.... i say arigato, and gomen.. i say them so naturally i sometimes do it around normal ppl and then quickly correct myself.. *cringes*
Jul 28, 18 at 9:26am
This account has been suspended.
I'm a shy quiet introvert so you know essentially nothing about my interests unless you attempt conversation with me.
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