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What's the reason you're single?

That no one likes me... that's mine
Most of the guys I have dated have either been perverts or tried to force themselves on me. I'm a virgin (idc who knows. Personal choice) and I was up front with all of them that I didn't want a relationship if they were going to want to have sex with me without the relationship being serious (I won't have sex until I'm married). Thus the reason I have been since since summer 2012.
ONE WORD. FRIENDZONED. 37 times and counting.
Couldn't even stick up to finding one that would be suitable I've been friendzoned 4 times One run off somewhere and they dont exist...or never contacted again you might say, just to claify True story And on online sites, they stop contacting and I found out that all are fake through several I've been through Never trust those sites again...NEVER! ( O-O) So now, I'm all out to just making friends, buddies, shenanigan people that I trust and met in real life Like you guys ( -w-)
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Being dense is a big one, I don't particularly catch onto people that may like me I'm a decent looking girl I think but I'm pretty shy and not a lot of guys enjoy the stuff I enjoy (art, anime, manga, reading, etc.). Ive never had a relationship with someone because I never really felt that 'spark' that you tend to see in most romantic anime's. I guess I'm just waiting to find the right guy. I'm not pickey, you could be the ugliest, biggest, smallest, monotonous guy but if we don't have things in common or if your a jackass, don't think your gettin some when you click add on my profile :3
I personally think it's because I'm not as girly and good looking as my friends or because of the random antics I do. Also the boys treat me differently than the girls I get treated as one of them so I think they don't view me as a girl sometimes not that I'm complaining cause it means they're comfy right? But then again I'm really dense when it comes to people liking me and won't know it unless you pretty much spell it out or tell me so that could be it haha...
I'm single because of my break up now. XD But seriously, I'm just picky about the new partner I'm looking for, I guess. Either a girl is gonna sweep me off my feet or I'll pursue one who matches my likes. That or make moves a female friend once she gets to know me.
Feb 01, 15 at 2:30am
I'm single because I got tired of the game. Pretty much managed to ignore dating for 19 years. Getting back into it and it's just as bad as I remember. Nevertheless, sometimes there are good moments and good people.
I'm single because I have not yet found the right one! Now I have finally had enough of it! I'm not a soul doctor and not just to have for one thing. It's really depressing. As one can only remain single. sorry, this weekend I had a Date. I'm still pissed! :(
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