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What's the reason you're single?

hmm well im scared because some times i get to in to it it just gose horribly wrong... but sometimes i want to date again but then sometimes i think i well just over do it and do bad things bug and him/her till she gose away i hate my self for not being able to fall in love and stay that way i hope one day i can do it right
lets see...ummm...well not finding a girl to love me for who I am? I posted it on my about me. I always wante a romance since I watched anime (just like in romance anime) but could never find it. I am here on this site to be with my kind of people and hopefully find someone who loves what I love and yeah...*coughs*. To answer the question; I don't really know?? My last relationship I was used for a sugar daddy and I am a really romantic person. Just never meet that romantic women to complete me.
@ikari: that is defiantly a big challenge to find somebody irl to be with, especially if you aware in a conservative city/state. While I am a straight person, I Do accept who you are and your wants/needs in your relationship, and I know somebody, whether here oure around you, will accept you as well. Dont give up hope :) @kyshan: while I'm not trying to sound rude when I say this, I read your profile. Being 17, you are still learning who you are, what you like and want in a relationship, and how to find a compatible partner. From just your post and info, you sound like a really nice person. Dont give up. People make mistakes all the time, we learn from them and move forward, but on the same note, I'm certain that things that "go wrong" are not entirely you're fault. remember to be yourself in a relationship. If the other person doesn't like who you are, they're not the right person for you. Dont be scared to date, and please, Dont hate yourself. Everything will work out for you, promise. @Dj: being used for money, or a sugar daddy as you called it, is something I've went through myself a few times. It sucks. Being the romantic type like you, i try and do everything I can to make a girl happy. Sometimes that scares people and they leave, Sometimes they abuse that, and sometimes people accept it. The key here is to learn to pick out early which type the person is, before you go hurt yourself in the long run. The earliest indicator is to listen. Listen to them, and post attention, especially to facial movements. While they are talking, obviously they are going to be interested about saying what they want and like. When you talk about what you like, their facial expression will change to either a blank gaze, with nodding and agreeing, an "I'm bored" type look, or it might stay the same. If it does, then you know they are posting attention and cares about what you are saying. Remember what you say is important too, and should be to them also. If they seem uninterested, leave them. You'll find someone who is mutually compatible, it just takes time. Dont settle for hopeless romantic scenario, when the other party is uncaring. You can do it.
Feb 16, 14 at 5:11pm
I'm broke.
I'm one of those people that is picky, and doesn't mind being single.
Mainly trust issues. Idk i need to start being more receptive of others so...
hmm aside from my longest relationship of 3 years being shattered because she turned out to be a cheating ****...and my last relationship ending mutually due to family issues (still on good terms though but shes engaged now...go figure)... my most recent issue is there is literally no females my age group that live where I live, and those that do despise the thought of getting together with a military member :(. and the only ones that fit both aren't interested in anything remote to my interests, and are similar to the town bicycle... The joys of being a single male among single males.
Money and looks, I lack those, getting older doesn't help either.
Afraid that it will be a one-sided love and ending up with a broken heart, which may not be repaired
beacuse i dont have many time to shere in person , i prefer only in the computer
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