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What's the reason you're single?

All you who elect to wait: I salute you. Due to the high sexual pressures of modern society, many give in and end up regretting it. I didn't think that many were willing to wait; it's really quite inspiring. I was beginning to think that I was a member of an endangered species, because it is hard to keep rolling those will saves. I, too, am waiting for marriage, for someone that I truly love and adore before I agree to anything sexual. Whether or not the special someone exists is hypothetical at best at this moment in time. And that brings me full circle to the original topic of this post. Why am I single? Many factors. I've been told numerous times by women that I've been interested in, "Oh, you're a great guy and the girl that ends up with you will be very lucky because you'd be an adoring boyfriend/husband, but I don't feel a spark between us." Whatever that's supposed to mean. That, and there aren't many nerd girls near where I live who aren't already taken and I don't drive. Just to name a few.
Actually, waiting till marriage is on the rise again
@shygeekguy +slow claps+ I know that feeling too. A lot of my relationships ended that way too. "You'll find someone better than me" Blah blah blah. Btw, you're cosplaying..Harima?! o.o
hmm my reason is simple. it seems no one has any interest in me. even though distance isn't an issue, i'm easy to get a long with and when i'm with someone i always am there for them (for anything) but for whatever reason i'm just not "good enough"
Obviously they just weren't the right person for you. Don't worry, there is someone out there for everyone, its just the problem of running into them :)
Haven't really met anyone I liked enough to date. The fact I live in the middle of nowhere and don't go out much doesn't help.
That whole "You'll find someone better than me" or "Any girl/guy would be lucky to have you" is really insulting to me personally.
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