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What's the reason you're single?

Oh gosh so much reasons -_-!!! I am to shy and bad experinces with ex's they always texted me, and stared at me while I ate >.>; I just love to have my space and I guess thats all!!! I am just so shy and never notice people flirting with me I am scared to date as well ;-;
Would definitely change my outlook on dating/drama through high school if I had the choice. But lately Idunno, should ask the few girls who changed their minds to date me
I know why im single,i might say some things that scare men off and i get too emotionally wrapped up in them
To be honest i'm just horrible with the ladies. The girls i used to talk to on here won't even repsond to me. And I haven't even done a thing. Damn i got some bad luck :(. I need to find a way to turn that around.
I wish I knew!-_-
@geass21: You're still young~ Don't rush it! You'll find the perfect one in time. As for me... I know why I'm still single. I've been looking in all the wrong places for love. It took me forever to find my place and figure out who I am and by then I was so burned by love that I just couldn't stand the thought of dating for the longest time (4 yrs actually). I only just started dating again recently~ But still no luck.. which is why I'm here. I'm still looking for the right guy thou. Age is just a number for me~ I never feel nor do I look my age, so I think that to judge someone by their age alone is just plain stupid. I go by maturity. I'm looking for a guy who is fun, fit, and passionate. Someone who knows what they want in life and works hard for it. Having dreams is a great thing in my opinion~ It's what gives you the drive and passion to work hard in life. A guy who knows martial arts, does cosplay, or is a bit of a brainiac is a definitely plus. If you're all three? :"> Please! Talk to me~ XD
Nov 13, 13 at 5:51pm
School work and video games keep me pretty entertained.
I'm scared of people. 'xD I haven't had any physical human contact besides the occasional hug from my father or grandparents. 'xP
Because the girls at my school thinks it's illegal to have a beard at my age.
@iapril - Shyness is hard to break out of. Maybe just be open-minded about trying new things or other avenues of the same things you already like that involves being near people - It'll get easier over time. ---------------------------------------------- I guess since I started this thread I may as well come out and say my reason too. I was dating a model from Singapore. If I revealed her identity no one would believe me so I will keep that to myself. I went out with her for a time then uhh - we got serious and stuff. I had kept a vow not to do anything until marriage but she wanted to do things and I denied her that. She got pretty upset but got over it - or so she told me. After 3 and a half years of being together - I decided to go into the military (USAF). As I graduated basic I got a call that my best friend had committed suicide. I am in mourning over this fact - Totally distraught - I get another call from another good friend saying he saw my g/f with another guy. And on top of that - he was a minor - 15 years old. Apparently they had been sleeping together - When I got my chance to see her again she didn't look me in the eye and she wasn't smiling - I dumped her. I lost two things that I thought were my only reasons for life in the same week on what was supposed to be a great day. Not trying to make a pity party or anything but - Yea that's my story summed up as fast as possible. Ever since I can't trust anyone anymore. I doubt - I never did prior to that though. And I am scared to go out with attractive women cause the ones I met are - for lack of a better term "Messed Up". Oh and get this - I am a fashion designer - So I am pretty picky too. Yea lol -
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