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Shy, Quiet reserved, pure heart girls

Shy girls are the way to go. The only thing that sucks about shy girls is that I'm shy and so shy people never end up talking to each other.
I can adapt pretty easy but I'm more quiet than others but I would love somebody really shy
I'm personally not a huge fan of shy girls. I think shy girls are cute and I would date them but if they are REALLY REALLY shy then it would annoy me.
Haha well I want someone like haru to be honest
I'm super pure..I can be shy but a bit outgoing at the same time. ;w; I blush super easily though..I guess that counts as shyness?
Blushing can be very cute though, but it depends on the shyness of course lol.
@ Wallace: I READ THAT! XD I'm in no way pure or shy though.. D:D
^ your pretty pure and shy... you just go dere dere
My mind isn't pure is what I'm meaning. That's only with you. XD
Mmmmmmmmm quite the contradiction @ I meant looks I don't care if if they or you are one of those rotten girls inside that like bl @sensei she has it in for you
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