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Baka @reinhardt76 commented on Lolicon
Aug 09, 18 at 10:30am
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Aug 09, 18 at 10:36am
Wow Space Cadets argument is full of holes that he creates himself or rather contradictions. Here's a few things that he says that contradicts himself or just doesn't plain work. "Lol the delusions of lolicons xD" "Not all that get off on lolis are future pedos." ^ he says these two sentences shortly after each other which kind of contradict since he just said that they are delusional people then goes on to break them. "However, the more someone gets off on pre-pubed girls, the more obsessed they become, therefore they need more and more to satiate their perversion. " ^ the idiocy of this comment aside from the fact that it does have truth is a fact that that's fucking natural for anything. When you see your first pair of panties you get turned on right? Well guess what else, you need more than just that later on. Using that as a offense/ defense is almost idiotic because that's just the way things are. It does have a point though but still it's idiotic in my opinion. I understand the sensitivity of the topic but clearly he has a strong biased against this kind of thing and probably has suffered or someone he cares for has suffered from pedophilia because if you think about it then look at his argument for lolicons ( which by the way is a term that can be applied to someone for just liking underage girls in 2D form and doesn't actually mean you like them in 3D form. Someone who absolutely hates children can be one and can also be turned off by 3D children) then think about people who enjoy Gore porn. So far with his arguments he would also be suggesting that eventually people who enjoy Gore porn won't be just satisfied with it being virtual and we'll go and recreate it in real life. That's complete idiocy. This theory is not but once you start thinking to the degree that it's going to happen then it is idiocy. To think that every lolicon is attracted to 3D little girls and if they aren't that they will be and that they will actually act on those urges than is more idiotic than Trump and I feel sad for you if you believe that. Another error in his logic is the fact where he said that all pedos started with point on their computer. Incorrect, you are not only assuming that all pedos even had a computer in which case not all places around the world have internet access or are civilized enough to get a computer. Furthermore I know someone who is sadly aware of a 16 year old on their street who is fucking their 10 year old sister. Since they are brother and sister it's not the most likely that it's started online. It is possible but I doubt it. My reasoning on this is a little shaky I will give you that but it's completely asinine to say that all pedos have porn on their computers or whatever because you're assuming that's an absolute and nothing is ever absolute in this world. I just woke up and started half reading this and I'm doing all this commenting on a whim though I really shouldn't be wasting my time on this shit but ignorance goads me on I guess. Not my own ignorance but he ignorance of others. Anyway once again you cannot say that people don't play violent video games to get off. I will use your own argument Cadet. Let's say that someone was tired of looking at it virtually or maybe they couldn't look at it virtually or that didn't quite do it for them anyway and so they wanted to be the one that does it. There you go, video games. It's also plausible that that is where someone learned that they were into Gore porn. Now I'm not saying that it's a huge fix. I'm just saying that it is possible that people have played and do play violent video games to get a fix. Hell I know that this is halfway correct because though it's not the same thing I have friends, IRL friends that want to play violent video games because they enjoy it, they will specifically seek out the bloodiest and goriest games specifically for that purpose. I admit that half of my comments here could be considered shaky or Half Baked but space cadet here seems to go with absolutes and is contradicting himself and assuming that every person who's a lolicon is an IRL pedo or will become one which is idiocy otherwise hell I hope none of your friends are in to gore porn because they will be a serial killer one day or they will kill your pets or think of any other creepy and not socially acceptable Kinks. He has some good viewpoints but he's far to black and white on the subject to give an unbiased point of view.
Ed~ @yamadaed commented on Lolicon
Aug 09, 18 at 2:32pm
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Aug 09, 18 at 2:50pm
@Ed Ssshhh~ Just listen to Space Cadet and agree that they're all fucked up monsters that will fuck all the children eventually~ (Being a troll now ngl)
Aug 09, 18 at 6:25pm
First, a couple quick points for entertainment purposes: 1. Lolicons are delusional in their justification that there's nothing wrong with ejaculating to little girls cuz it's just drawings. To proceed and say it doesn't mean all lolicons will become a real life pedo is not a contradiction at all my friend. xD Perhaps you should look up what "contradiction" actually means? To see it as a contradiction is idiocy. 2. Do you realize that by agreeing that the "if some is good then more is better" progression to satisfy urges is PRECISELY legitimizing my point that someone that has sexual desires to drawings of little girls will inevitably look for more things to satiate their sexual desires for little girls? Do you realize the idiocy of telling me I have a point that isn't a point cuz it's an idiotic point that applies to other things in life is an idiotic argument surrounded in the idiocy of idiots? Anyways, rather than proceed to deconstruct your entire rambling of idiocy that idiotically claims I contradict myself by you so eloquently speaking almost exclusively in your own contradictions, which is idiotic, I'm just gonna explain why your claim that my views are filled with so many errors is sheer idiocy, not cuz it's overflowing with idiotic errors of your own (refer to my above points for a couple examples), and not cuz accusing me of contradicting myself is a contradiction in itself cuz of your own idiotic contradictions of idiocy (criticizing me for making assumptions while you make assumptions of why I'm against dudes that masturbate to drawing of little girls) but cuz you did all the work for me in discrediting yourself by saying you only "half read" my comments (which would explain why you don't understand them) and admitting that your own views are "shaky" and "half baked." I mean, that would just be idiotic idiocy of an idiot. Heh it's difficult for me to take someone's refute seriously when half of it consists of their own self-admittance that their own argument is filled with flaws. That would be idiocy. All I saw was "I don't agree with your opinion, and my opinion is flawed, but your opinion is wrong." I mean, for real, are you even certain yourself about what you're saying? Do you truly have any conviction behind your statements? Honestly, I'd rather have seen you call me out without you essentially confessing that your claims have no backbone, cuz that's just idiotic. You don't even sound like you believe in what you're saying, but you're saying anyways in hopes that someone else will come along and make you feel better about yourself by being like "I agree with kid!" Well, it appears like you're depressed in life based on 90% of anything you say, so I'm here to lift your spirits... I AGREE WITH YOU, KID!!! (Being a troll now ngl)
Aug 09, 18 at 6:40pm
I think this is very stupid of me but I'm going to say it anyway in the hopes of learning something from it: I think because generally, women think lolicon's are pedophiles, and also because loli's are really 10 in those stories, it's just perverted and pedophilic. The reason I think women get a great say over this is because women are far more reserved when it comes to hormones. that's the only reason. Sorry if I offended you, but it might just prove my point.
Aug 09, 18 at 7:18pm
@space cadet Yeah I admitted mine was half baked because I just woke up doofus. Don't need someone saying my points didn't make any sense and when I went to defend myself by saying that I was half-asleep they would say of course you would how convenient. To put a hole in your logic of saying your point of view is correct on eventually needing more than tell me, do your sexual desires never stop growing? Wait really? They have stopped to a certain point? Oh go figure. By the way if you think that your sexual designs don't stop growing then eventually you would find everything sexually appealing because you would continue to need more and more things to get you going because what worked previously would not work anymore. Everything has limits dummy~ I bet you don't even know the age range of what a Loli is or the fact that theres classifications such as pseudo loli. Honestly you're just blind with hatred for a kink that you do not understand nor care to ever try to understand. Blind just like everyone was an anime first came to the United States and everyone thought it was just animated porn. Which has now transferred to the ignorance of what furries are nowadays. You seem a little excited in your comments to me and feel like you're really trying to insult me by using terms like idiotic way more than I did. Here let me help you actually feel Justified with your feelings by saying I'll see you when I get near your niece since I'm a lolicon. She has nothing to fear since I'm only interested in 2D loli or irl pseudo loli but you'll be paranoid enough that I'll enjoy myself all the same♡
Aug 09, 18 at 7:21pm
@yestotally You'd be surprised by how many women are shotacons
Aug 09, 18 at 7:22pm
Ok, maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe I made a little mistake bumping this.
Aug 09, 18 at 7:24pm
@whisp Probably. People here on this site have become more hateful lately and this is a sensitive topic like furries.
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