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Red @redhawk commented on Lolicon
Aug 08, 18 at 6:41pm
A moment of silence for the two souls... Press F to pay respects
Aug 08, 18 at 7:03pm
Lol the delusions of lolicons xD Look, the dudes that are slapping their balls to underage, little girls technically can do whatever tf they want in the privacy of their own home. Not all that get off on lolis are future pedos. However, the more someone gets off on pre-pubed girls, the more obsessed they become, therefore they need more and more to satiate their perversion. There is going to be a demographic of lolicons that get to a point that they can't properly distinguish fantasy from real life... so once they find themselves in a position irl that's like the loli porn they get off on every day, they will think of an opportunity that would only be refuted in their own minds based on what they could get away with. What do all legitimate pedos have in common? They have child porn on their computers that they were slapping their balls to first. The popular rebuttals from lolicons is just being delusional. Alcoholics generally don't think they have a drinking problem. Hypocrites think it's always other people that are liars. And lolicons think finding sexual attraction and getting off to little girls is OK cuz they're just drawings.... y'know, like, don't worry about it man cuz I can distinguish the difference between a drawing and a real little girl... just like an alcoholic will tell others they know when to stop drinking and a hypocrite will continue to talk about how shitty other people in their lives are. "It's just a drawing" -Yeah, and like Muffin mentioned, it's a drawing that's designed to look like a little girl. You're not getting off to a drawing, you're getting off to a little girl. If the "it's just a drawing" argument was valid, then why don't you smash your balls to a drawing of an old woman or a horse? Cuz it's not about the drawing, it's about what the drawing DEPICTS. "Oh but violence is ok huh, you fucking hypocrites?" -People play games and watch movies with graphic violence that has violence as one aspect. The difference here, the enormous, big, gigantic difference, is that the people that play God of War aren't playing it to GET OFF on the violence. They play if as a game that has violence as part of the content. We don't SEEK OUT violence with the purpose of jerking off to it. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm pretty sure no one that played God of War would perform a graphic finishing move, pause the game, take off their pants, and whack their balls around. But what are lolicons doing? They very intently and purposefully SEEK OUT little girl porn for the purpose of getting off to it. A picture. A shallow hentai. They don't care, cuz it's not about playing a game or watching a movie that contains underage girls, it's about strictly finding underage girls to appease your sexual desires. That, my lolicons friends, is why I'd NEVER trust you to be alone with my niece... or any underage girl.
Aug 08, 18 at 7:14pm
Y’all need Jesus....or some serious psychiatric help
Aug 08, 18 at 7:31pm
Otakaiser's post is an exact reflection of my thoughts. Sorry for lashing out, I was just irritated with this topic going in circles and being bumped after being dormant for sometime. I have no authority to limit other people's free speech, so keep debating. I'm bowing out on this.
Ed~ @yamadaed commented on Lolicon
Aug 09, 18 at 12:00am
This account has been suspended.
Pity? Why pity? When somebody has no pity In harming a inocent Their derseve pity? The eyes chase and see the attacker But are close to the body in the ground They excuse for their actions When the damage to the soul its done And talking to those who trusted In a friend In a teacher In a family In a father And their trust and life Were crushed for a simple URGE The question here Its really pity What its deserved?
Aug 09, 18 at 6:49am
F https://scontent-bom1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/35078291_469521436835752_5557042405137448960_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=3c5552e39fea527f951bdb730a1011a2&oe=5C0F0984
Aug 09, 18 at 9:44am
Aug 09, 18 at 10:06am
That's kind of a disturbing joke since I know someone whose dad actually touches them
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