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Religious rants

Mar 28, 23 at 9:40pm
I was interested as a kid. I was fascinated by kids that were raised and believed differently. But yeah, more interested as an adult. My religions classes were some of my fav in college. I'm just glad my family didn't pressure me because that happened to others.
Mar 28, 23 at 10:00pm
I was indeed. Especially on Sundays it was get your ass ready for church or to get whipped, either way get your ass ready.lol I'll never forget the plastic faces most put on aka their Sunday best.
I wasn't raised into a religious household but my mom and her family are Roman Catholics and my dad and his family are Baptists. I used to go to church, bible studies and other youth events yet as I gotten older in my mid and late teens I stopped going. I was taught what is right and wrong, love and hate, and so on. Later I've been reading and doing my own research on different religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Baháʼí Faith, Sikhism, Jainism, Shinto, Taoism, etc) and Today I've become Omnist (the respect of or belief in all religions with their gods or lack thereof or "a person who believes in all faiths or creeds). Omnism does not appear to be a form of theology, as it neither espouses nor opposes particular beliefs about God. Instead, it affirms the necessity of one arriving at an understanding of reality based on personal experience, engagement, and inquiry, and an acceptance of the validity and legitimacy of the differing understandings of others.
Apr 03, 23 at 7:50am
So i was woken out of my sleep last night by a voice saying "praise God" it sounded like an echo it was deep and booming but at the same time strong and calm. I dont know the reason for this. Or what the message even means. But it made me realize this isnt the first time this has happened. I believe God has spoken to me in the past. I usually never remembered it or maybe i never paid it any mind. But i am certain i have heard this voice before.
Its hard to describe the voice as it wasnt necessarily one of anger it was kind of like an echo thats what mean by boom not like loud and aggressive but like strong and calm but it echoed sort of like reverb? Idek but i didnt feel fear or whatever it was just something that woke me up. I cant distinguish if it was irl or in my sleep but seeing as im a light sleeper and this literally woke me up it could be either one. Also i dont think the message was that of something bad. It was telling me to praise God. Which is something i need to do more of. I am careful of hearing voices and i know the devil has been trying to lead me astray i am aware of that. But i think this is more of like a warning from God. He has been trying to tell me stuff i however dont know what it is. Eventually it will all be clear to me. This is in no way me advocating for me being special or a prophet or gifted. Simply observing. I am unworthy of being such things but i have asked God to use me to do his work. Though i am unworthy as a sinner.
Also no this isnt schizophrenia i dont normally hear stuff. If i have schizophrenia i would know for sure, or maybe not know because crazy people dont know they are crazy. But yeah its not like someone spoke to me it was different
Apr 24, 23 at 3:56pm
My father is converting. He's becoming a Seventh day Adventist. Did not see that one coming
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