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Religious rants

Yeah i believe the bible is being tampered with and with newer iterations people inject their own beliefs into it. Like churches of today manipulate scripture now to include homosexuality and promoting unbiblical stuff. As for the chuch stuff, thats what you are supposed to do. Its not about scaring people alot of people think its ok to preach that God is simply about love and making you successful and giving you money and happiness and no problems. When in actuality you are here to serve, you are here to praise and worship and serve. If you dont repent you will be left behind. Churches should speak of repentance not the stuff you will see at joel osteen and other prosperity churches.
Mar 28, 23 at 4:12pm
I got the scare tactics too. I'm grateful for it. Had I not noticed the hypocrisy with what the preachers and Sunday school teachers were saying, I wouldn't have started my quest of agnosticism. I'm also not a faith based one, I teeter on the side of atheism.
Mar 28, 23 at 4:21pm
Scare tactics are the best, though. Nothing like hell and brimstone to start off your day. Had girlfriends who got pulled to the side for wearing pants. That's fun too. Thank goodness we never got caught "gasp" holding hands.lol Reminds me of one of the last adult Sunday school things I went to. They literally separated grown men and women to talk about not having sex before marriage.... Grown ass men and women. Anywho.... Back to the program...
Mar 28, 23 at 7:12pm
Were most you all raised religiously? @verucassault @yaasshat
I wonder as well because i was raised in a really strict religious home like shoved down my throat religious. Where i would have to go to church all the time and be shown cartoons about jesus and books about God and noahs ark and stuff as a kid. Why is it these guys dont hold to any religion when even muslims are hardcore about their faith and they arent even given the choice yet the minute you pop off about the prophet Muhammad its an attack on their way of life basically. I feel there are some inconsistencies here.
Maybe its the fact America encourages challenging God and where people are exposed so many fake preachers and prophets that it turns them away from the religion. America who was once a very religious country where they basically would burn people over being a "witch" nowadays can shoot up a Christian school and then say the shooter who was trans was pressured to do this because of trans hate. Not saying either were ok but you know? In muslim countries they still hold fast in their faith despite violence so whats going on here?
Mar 28, 23 at 8:04pm
My dad was an atheist and my mom believes but doesn't practice. Both sides of my family were part of the upper crust in Afghanistan. When there was an upper crust to be a part of there XD. My family background long left tribal life and lived in Kabul. So neither side was very religious. I learned about religion mostly on my own cause I like stories. They're a lot more enjoyable when eternal damnation isn't drilled into your head. Most poor Muslim countries have been influenced by Salafa Islam which is the fanatic kind that causes terrorist attacks. The kind Osama practiced. Fundamentalist Islam is what contributed to the decline of Islam's golden age since it clamped down on education. Was the manifesto released for that shooter? Was it religiously motivated?
It was not religiously motivated i believe but they sure as heck scrubbed the persons social media before releasing who they were. Mainstream media is already doing damage control saying the person who was a trans male turned this into political debate. They are more worried about the trans community being affected by this and trans people being attacked than they are the kids and adults who died at the Christian school. The right is saying how they think this may be due to hormones and other medications the person may have been on due to their transition. Because statistically speaking mass shootings have been committed by males. Seeing as this was a biological woman thats where the political side is starting to play in.
Mar 28, 23 at 9:09pm
@kuharido My grandmother hoped I would take to it so she took me to church when i was little but as soon as I started questioning why the nice man that shakes my hand gets red in the face and spits when he preaches, I told her I didn't want to go anymore. Was like 9 or 10 years old. She was disappointed but eventually accepting. It wasn't just the church though. I got tired of being surrounded by idiots that would say shit like, "It's a shame Sam is a Jahovah's Witness. They are going to hell." And I'm not paraphrasing.
Mar 28, 23 at 9:28pm
@hell_hound7 I just don't want to jump to conclusions. I'm going to wait until more info comes out. @verucassault I do think it's a bit too much for kids to be indoctrinated into religion. It's hard for them to make sense of it all. Especially since churches don't really serve their original function. We have the government doing public services with taxes and we have different social hubs. Religious institutions are kind of in an odd place trying to stay relevant. Besides that, the spiritual focus is something I think people don't really get interested until they are adults.
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