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Religious rants

I am familiar with the heretic Benjamin Cremer. I also love how he ignores the thousands of food pantries, schools, shelters, hospitals and orphanages opened by the churches over the years. He makes a strawman of Christians and beats the strawman while claiming to be Christian.
Thats what they always do though, focus on the people who according to the bible wont make it into heaven the way they are living, then claim thats the entire community. Its like the people who say why do Christians preach this when we have priests who rape children. Well, does the bible say to go out and rape children? No? Ok, then what is your point?
Feb 28, 24 at 8:16pm
One bad apple can spoil the bunch. You see, if people see enough bad things, it doesn't matter at a certain point how much good the rest are doing. It's sorta how some see all police as corrupt when in reality it's the minority that make the majority look bad. Something about bad press comes to mind.
https://youtu.be/aRhxeOtIZfc?si=qvJ7oqDDK-c7Zidn Hmmm, the Holy spirit is really talking to me in this one. Its interesting how the LORD works. I pray for guidance and here it is, specifically toward the end. Everything should be done to glorify the LORD. Not in some self righteous act. Bit of a course correction for me, as I had not seen that I had operated out of fear and pride. The LORD is great, I still have much to learn. The LORD puts things in a puzzle for me. I get pieces here and there, the Holy spirit operated out of the chaplain during our conversation a whole back saying "Just be a good person, and when people ask you why you are so happy all the time just tell them about God and your faith." Then he used the story about john bernett and his wife with the drug addict asking about why they are so happy. Then he comes through mommy and our conversation the other day and finally this video and the tail end where it speaks about the gays and their inability to stop being gay and condemnation from people like us who dont suffer with such sin. Its not about atracking them its about presenting God to them and allowing him to do his great works. The LORD is truly masterful, and omniscient. I hope he continues to guide me to be a better believer.
Morale of the story is you dont change overnight just because you pray on it. Its the same for me and my lusting of the flesh, i didnt change over night, i still havent completely quit it out of my life. Though i work through it and stop giving into it as i progress through the faith. It makes total sense, im basically living everything in real time. This is why I have always said reading the bible alone isnt enough, you must study it. I wouldnt have understood things half as clearly as it is presented here. The sermon on the mount and the deeper meaning behind it. The LORD is all knowing and he works through all of us to unveil his message bit by bit.
Mar 05, 24 at 11:17am
Yeah, not to take sides here, but with Christians, It's a case by case basis, some actually practice what they preach, and try to make the world better, but can only do so much. Others? Blind to the world outside their hubris. You try to point out what they're doing, and they throw a bible verse that they don't even practice in your face. And they aren't even the worst types. There are Psychopaths. Literal psychopaths! Masquerading as religious. Warping and twisting scripture to justify some rather heinous stuff. To take the heat off of christianity, since I pick on you guys so much, I'll use another example. The Point I'm making is, HOW one practices their faith says more about them and their faction within their religion than the faith at large. For example, Islam at its core is a beautiful message of peace. Remember in Afghanistan when they were strapping bombs to children and sending them in the direction of U.S. Soldiers? Does anyone honestly think that all muslims think that is okay? (Omitting the many moderates we turned against as by carelessly bombing the shit out of their cities willy nilly.) So many of my coworkers when working at the gap were immigrant workers from that part of the world. Everyone I talked to, those who could communicate in english well enough? They were the moderate believers who tried to get the hell away from 'THOSE people'. The same types of people who strap bombs to children exist in every world religion. A little less so in eastern faiths, but they still exist if you look close enough. It's the little justifications that produce the worst of us. Always be mindful and observe what people are doing, not what pretty words or verses they put out into the world to make it more palatable or to justify to themselves and others. If someone is NOT actively helping anyone, find someone who is before carelessly lumping them together. *Pulls out sticks and straw and starts making another wicker man* I mean come on, the KKK are not subtle about un-ironically trying to turn America into a white religious ethnostate. You can still find plenty of christians who denounce that.
Guys, just wanna come here and say repent. I feel like God has been revealing things to me for a while now. Idk how much longer we have here on earth. I just realized i used to have a dream all the time before i started taking the LORD seriously again. I used to always be hiding from something. Me and a group of people would always be in a destroyed ruin with chaos and hiding from something. I never knew what we were hiding from. I always thought it was a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion. We all feared it but i could never see what it was. It was the LORD. "And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. 20 In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; 21 To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. 22 Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of" -Isaiah 2:10-22
In other news more prophetic stuff apparently 2 of the 5 Red heifers have been sacrificed already. More in line with revelation leading up to the appearance of the anitchrist and the tribulation period. Lets not forget the jews dont adhere to the new testament.
I honestly dont know guys, but tensions have been rising. Nation will soon war with nation. The US military has been ramping things up. Just some things to note 1. They have increased the amount if years you can serve 2. Recalled retired military members 3. We started to stop people from moving to recreational jobs like honor guard within my specific career field as of this morning. 4. We no longer are focusing on military medicine and more on wartime contingency. While this can be chalked up to low recruitment numbers, i feel like we are bolstering our force. Things are taking a turn, call me a doomer if you want but i feel like the events in my life are starting to fall in line for a reason. Its like i heard from the preacher God will use you until heno longer has a use for you and then he will send you home.
Actually correction to an earlier statement, they did NOT sacrifice the red heifer. That can only be done on the dome of the rock location which is occupied by the muslims. Apparently a hamas spokesperson said the attack on israel was also in response to the red heifers in israel. Which is fulfilling the prophecy of the messiah. Honestly i cannot find the video on youtube, i assume its something about giving terrorists a platform. But that would be interesting if its true. Because the muslims do believe Jesus exists, they just dont believe he is God.
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