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TRUMP reminds me of All Might from Hero Academia. Any other Trump fans?

I think it more likely you have no evidence to support your point, since I have now invited you twice to submit said evidence. But sure, we'll go with that if it makes you feel better.
If I could expect that anything I said to you wouldn't fall in deaf ears, then perhaps I would actually try. My advice to you is to put aside your disgusting arrogance and recognize that people have legitimate ideas that you don't agree with. You'll be able to live a much more fulfilling social life if you should ever do so.
Do I agree on everything Trump says no Do I think he is the best guy to be in the office of the presidency..... you bet your ass I do xD
Why do you think he's the best guy to be in office? Everyone says they think he's the best person for president but not why.
Thank you @Shinu, your reply gives me a place to start continuing my research.
The only thing disgusting here shinu is your pompous self righteous attitude, I will ask you to retire it, It's not a good look and I'll especially ask it in regards to Manga Bird because of 1. It's unkind and uncalled for 2. You've misjudged Manga's character and treated her with prejudice and contempt and 3. You sound like a total pretentious fedora toting man baby. Stop That. Not to mention your snide comments are filled with hypocrisy:- > "My advice to you is to put aside your disgusting arrogance and recognize that people have legitimate ideas that you don't agree with." - That's the exact same thing you're doing to Manga x 10 because she had a philosophy that didn't sit well with you and instead of defending your "legitimate" idea you stick your fingers in your ears and try to claim the intellectual and moral high ground, I've got news for you buddy that's "disgusting arrogance" at it's finest. (Also Manga and I have a very functional social life thank you). Your ideas in regards to Trans people serving in the military imo are opinionated conjecture and speculation and you're refusal to refute Manga's arguments just lends to the perceived hypocrisy and arrogance. >"We discuss and negotiate with each other so we can come to a deeper understanding" - Yet in disregard to evidence/arguments provided you have shown yourself to betray this very principle. As a side note:- Wtf you were talking about with each gender having there own militaries? What point was that trying to make or refute? None that's relevant I can see. Look, When Manga said "your ideas are unqualified because of your background" (which is not a bullshit argument it has shades of merits and an fyi she never said she subscribed to this argument) she was speaking from a place of experience rooted in a 4 year relationship with a trans person from a military family, so she cares because the topic hits home for us. When she said "How can you possibly know what a trans person goes through" it is not a "ploy" as you make it out to be, It's that she has been so close to a transgender and for a long time and she she still doesn't fully understand the condition or what trans people go through. GD, GID and BD are all there own beasts that effect Transgender people differently and at different severities and need to be treated and assessed on an individual basis. A transgender person doesn't commit suicide because of they have GID they likely suffer from depression that may or may caused from GD or BD, there are other factors that are involved and to be considered not to mention the argument has ignored that non-combat roles such as admin and logistics have also been covered by this ban. Manga is NOT being malicious and she is NOT being arrogant. Shinu my dude, you do seem like a pretty cool guy and I think we could get along outside of political discussion and tbh I don't care about trump or America's military policies but I cant have you be unnecessarily rude and judgmental to people and especially my partner, I will call out your bullshit but I hope this has cleared some things up. We come on this website to interact as community of anime lover with the added prospect of finding love, their is no reason not to be nice and respect one another, so i'll ask again can we please drop the back and forth of passive aggressive jabs now? let's just talk to each other normally. my PMs are always open. https://img.fireden.net/a/image/1486/01/1486014536817.png
@Midas The biggest point is that he's not a politician. He's not part of the system of empty promises and subterfuge. When George Washington left presidency, he warned against political parties at all, and they've demonstrated a very clear inability to run the country properly. Additionally there is his background. People can criticize how he built his wealth all they want, but ultimately he did build his massive wealth, and it wasn't through "private speeches" and PAC's. There is evidence there that he knows what it takes to run a large business, and in that it stands to reason he at least has some idea of how to run government, especially considering that no one else in government knows how to run government. Part of his success is due to his disagreeableness. Many people criticize his rough behavior, but it's what has led him to the top. He's not out there to get stepped all over, and whether it's for himself or for the country, he has the drive to achieve. You could see this in the very first Republican debate, in which they asked the whole lot of them if if they would not run under a third party if they lost, and only Trump refused. That kind of determination is exactly what we've needed. Another is to help reform the Republican party. While I would rather political parties be wiped off the planet, if they're going to exist then I'd rather they be somewhat functional. I'm independent, so I'd also love to see the Democratic party reformed too, but in this case what I wanted to improve is not the ideas, but the lacking backbone in most of the Republicans. Simply put, the Republican party is full of weak people, and Trump looked as if he could change that, and in many ways he already has, with a new instilled confidence not see much in the party. There was also his good will. His promise to forego the presidential salary was an effective one. It was readily apparent that his bid for presidency was damaging to his lifestyle, and yet he proceeded nonetheless. It's clear to anyone that if Trump is not effective, then his career in politics will be completely nonexistent. This scenario is what ensures that he must do a good job. The icing on the cake was his inherent objection to identity politics. Not only did it not have a hold on him, but his very presence threatened identity politics at its very core. There are a variety of reasons to be so opposed to identity politics, with the attacks on free speech being one of them, but I won't get into all of them here. In all of these aspects he's proven to be effective already, with three years left to go (or perhaps seven). Trump was the most Liberal candidate on the Republican party. I'd even say he was most Liberal candidate in general even including the Democratic party. Many votes towards Trump were votes towards larger issues that threaten to break our country. While things like abortion are important topics, these topics also don't threaten the continued prosperity of our country. Voters collaborated across parties, many of which foregoing viewpoints they felt were important, in order to keep the bigger picture alive. Of course if you listened to CNN the whole time you would never have felt that. So just to contrast with a short summary of the other candidates. Hillary is a progressive politician, not a liberal politician. She thrived on identity politics and virtue signalling. As a progressive, her standards and ideals changed with the times, with whatever was most effective at manipulating and coercing voters to vote for her. If her opponent had been anyone other than Trump, she probably would have won. Bernie is a socialist. You'll often hear many saying "he's not a socialist!", but he is. He might call himself a "democratic-socialist", but such a thing doesn't actually exist. If you look into his political background, it's fill with socialism. I shouldn't have to explain why socialism is bad especially compared to capitalism, and so I won't, but I'm not so naive as to think there aren't plenty of younger people right now who arbitrarily think that socialism is some sort of ideal. If Bernie was Trump's opponent, Bernie would have secured much of the young voters and the uninformed, and likely would have won. But if Bernie faced anyone other than Trump, he probably would have lost. Jeb Bush: "Please clap." This portrays a lot of what was wrong with most of the Republican candidates. Whether it was Marco Rubio, who virtue signaled but fell back on it with zero conviction, or Ted Cruz who loosely portrayed his position while trying to find what the Republican voters wanted to vote on, none of them had a backbone. Ben Carson was secure in his position, and he was my #2 pick after Trump, but he still had no backbone and barely had a presence.
@Ulfric No problem my man. I ask that you never quit in search for answers, and I'll try to do the same on my end. Maybe I'm wrong about TPP and maybe you're right, but I don't think so at the moment. May we find the answers we're looking for in order to operate a better society. @Sherflow I'm not interested in your virtue signalling. Mangabird dismissed my viewpoint on the basis of what she assumed my own background to be, which regardless of whether she was right or wrong, I find to be not only morally reprehensible but also blatantly ignorant. Even after pointing it out, she had zero intention of ever making it right. You feel that she wasn't being arrogant because the views she expressed were made from experience, but my point was that she dismissed others views based on her own experiences which results in her being arrogant. I'm not delegitimatizing her views, only pointing out how wrong it is for her to do so to my own. My "let's just all divide our genders into different militaries" was rhetorical and mockery. I was mocking the belief that we can't express different viewpoints outside of our own experience, which would dictate that we human beings could never have the potential for understanding one another, which is the entire basis for communication.
virtue signalling. unironically. I told you to stop being a man baby. And it was not that, it was a genuine attempt to bridge a conflict. Manga did not do any of that, you simply chose to interpret it that way and by extension chose to take as an attack on yourself and your morals, you pointed your issues out in a mocking and snarky fashion so lets be honest I think you had zero intention of making it right here unless it validated yourself as being intellectually superior which is an arrogant thing to do. You've made no attempt to gain an understanding despite you toting on about understanding each other, you fall straight into the pit of hypocrisy as soon as you get a little bit miffed, how can you be take the moral high ground here? You accuse people of being criminal while committing the crime yourself while being zealous to laws you're breaking, such a joke, grow up. As for the military thing, that doesn't make sense even as mockery because that's not what was being said or implied. What your argument here boils down to is to conform to my discussion etiquette or you're a cunt, which swings back round to full circle making you a cunt. It's weak sauce. Can't you just admit to it being a misunderstanding and we all get along? No? going to continue being a cunt? Okay. Have fun.
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