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18+ talk

So about donuts, I love those guys! My flavor in particular is glaze (I know it's simple) but I just love the shiny reflection it gives in the light and the little hug it gives to my mouth. Mm~ donuts https://media.tenor.com/UUZVULo0UQ0AAAAM/krispy-kreme-glazed-donuts.gif
Jan 03, 24 at 1:04am
Can’t go wrong with Krispy Kreme Donuts!
Jan 03, 24 at 3:25am
For sure!
Jan 03, 24 at 6:01am
That there is what I like to call "fat people porn". Ever gone in to watch the live show? It'll blow your mind! Gotta go when the hot sign is on.
Jan 03, 24 at 7:11am
I went in to watch the live show. It was like the donuts knew I was entering their store, a little bit of live entertainment just for me XD
Wish there was a donut shop within close walking distance. Nearest one's over a mile away.
Fuck I realizd how much I miss a damn good alcoholic beverage on new years eve drinking dragons fire
Jan 03, 24 at 9:26am
Sir, you're ruining a perfectly delicious glaze thread by talking about gas station gut rot trash.
What do you drink then kind sir?! I feel like you vibe with an IPA
Jan 03, 24 at 10:08am
I hate IPAs. Blah too bitter.
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