Best video game of all time

Bram @bram
Best video game of all time
Bram @bram
Heya guys, mind sharing what is your favorite game of all time/best game of all time in your opinion? Really curious to hear your opinion.

samuelfred @samuelfred
commented on
Best video game of all time
samuelfred @samuelfred
Free fire

gtechrepublic @gtechrepublic
commented on
Best video game of all time
gtechrepublic @gtechrepublic
Modern game, I'd have to go with Conan Exiles. I enjoy the combat specifically with it and the purge system.
For nostalgia reasons, I would go with Legend of Dragoons. I loved the QTE combos.

Mitchell @yokomitch
commented on
Best video game of all time
Mitchell @yokomitch

Scaler on PlayStation 2. I wish for a remake <3

Mitchell @yokomitch
commented on
Best video game of all time
Mitchell @yokomitch
I feel like it could be something even more with how the gaming industry is now

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
commented on
Best video game of all time
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
The hardest question of our age. I personally think that the main issue is we have so many genres. I mean how can you compare the likes of Gran Turismo to Sonic the Hedgehog? You can't, it's apples to baseballs comparison. I think that there needs to be a best game for each genre. My personal list is as such. The rules are that it is based off of the release version. Anyone can keep patching a game until it no longer resembles what it originally was. No mods, they change the game completely from the original product.
Platformer: Sonic The Hedgehog 3 + Knuckles
Beat em Up: Guardian Heroes
JRPG: Panzer Dragoon Saga
Fighting: Tekken 3
Rail Shooter: Carnevil
Survival Horror: Resident Evil 2: Remake
Adventure: Legend of Oasis
Sports: Punchout (Wii)
Racing: Crash CTR
Party: Mario Party 5
SHMUP: Gate of Thunder
RTS: Steel Division 2
Open World Sandbox: Minecraft
Puzzle: Tetris Plus
Simulation: Panzer Front

Rei @reisenpai66
commented on
Best video game of all time
Rei @reisenpai66
In terms of story: xenoblade chronicles 3
In terms of combat system: sekiro

Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
commented on
Best video game of all time
Mountain Curly @forgetmenot
I should correct the approach. Story: Dragon Age. Physics: Skyrim. Gameplay: Terraria. Combat: Callisto Protocol. Music: Terraria. Curly: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle R. Free Point: Borderlands

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Best video game of all time
Veru @verucassault

Quick and fun easy plays on PC:
Plague MD
Papers Please
Death Coming
I'm sure I missed some, and I have quite a collection but these stood out by list or memory that I could access.
**oh yeah, Assassin's Creed Origins for PC, BEST story of AC line, AC Odyssey is fun but still need to finish and I also have AC Valhalla to play as well.
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