Religious rants

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Religious rants
yaasshat @yaasshat
one, weve known the earth is round for thousands of years, man ( Well, some of us arent... and no, thats not an attack, just o\an observation of people.) aint I can literally prove it by just looking at the curvature of the earth on the horizon.
two, we breath...*gasp* What is the composition of said substance we in hale and exhale? Hmmm... Lets figure out ways to look at it!
three, Just because things exist does not mean there must be a creator.
four, I canT see any of you. How do i know this whole thing, even my life isnt some construct of consciousness or a mad fever dream?

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Religious rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Now ur just talking nonsense, i cant even tell if you are proving my point or just trolling rn. The earth has been confirmed round for thousands of years as has religion been around for thousands of years. The earth has been around for sooooo long yet we are counting by 2023 years why is that? Yiu mean to tell me we can believe the earth is round but not that god exists even though he has been worshiped as long as earth has been confirmed round hmmmm. Yes things exist because of a creator, you helped create your son, someone created you and before them and before them. Even if you dont believe in a god something created you at one point so that point in itself is dumb. Also you know you breathe a substance and you know why this substance exists yet you dont know why we have come to depend on that substance. You just know it exists and we need it. You cant see it you cant touch it and if science wasnt there to tell you what it was would you believe it exists? See how i can pick apart your very argument the same way you did mine.
Also you are right you have no way of proving i exist, i could be a bot i could be one person running multiple accounts. Yet you speak with me same way people speak with god. You have no way of telling if i am a real person do you think i exist?

Aka-san @redhawk
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Religious rants
Aka-san @redhawk
Religion should just stay out of Politics, thats all I have to say lol

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Religious rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Religion sure as heck aint in American politics thats for sure. Everyone in the congress are some of the most evil greediest people to exist. I dont believe any of them actually care about abortion or any of the religious standpoints they do it for votes.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Religious rants
yaasshat @yaasshat
I can literally see oxygen interact with things. Iron OXIDE....aka...Rust.
I can literaly get a view from space of the earth and even if not for that, like i said, I myself can PROVE the earth is round. Theres verifiable physical evidence of the shape of the earth. Religion is about faith and Im fine knowing people believe out of faith, i too have faith in things. Science changes to find facts and input new verifiable data, not faith. Thats not to say religion and science cant coexist.
BC does not mean before christ and ad does not mean after death... The earth is not thousands of years old. Please tell me thats not where youre going with the 2023 thing...PLEASE.
And again.... I NEVER SAID I DONT BELIEVE IN A GOD. Theres more than one opinion when it comes to

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Religious rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Here you go yaasshat since BC does not stand for before christ let the google search result tell you for me the entire front page says exactly that. Also it is thousands of years old :P just not 2 thousand but many thousands
Also i was speaking in general with not believing in god. You honestly answered to me talking about atheist so i addressed it that way.
How do you have a view of earth from space? Technology i bet, which is exactly circling back to the same point i just said. You yourself have not gone in space to see it you let others show you what earth looks like and you believe them. Even if you say "well with a telescope i can see the moon" the moon is not earth. Even if you said from a plane, a plane isnt in space you arent seeing the entire planet just portions of it but you cant say you have seen the planet be round as you have not seen the entire planet in its entirety
You see a chemical reaction happen as a result of oxygen but you dont see oxygen same can be said about god and miracles. They happen but you dont talk about what causes them.

αleph-01 @a1ephy
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Religious rants
αleph-01 @a1ephy
You don't need to take the shape of the earth on faith or some fancy technology from outer space. You can easily calculate the shape of the earth using basic trigonometry. All you need is a stick on the ground and some pen and paper to prove that the earth is round. This was discovered thousands of years ago by Greek mathematicians. It's very basic stuff. Pandus you donkey.

αleph-01 @a1ephy
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Religious rants
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Oh and BTW. You can actually see chemical reactions with oxygen. If you cool oxygen down enough. Oxygen turns into a liquid. You can actually see physical oxygen with your own two eyes.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Religious rants
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Ignore the questionable thumbnail, it only looks crazy because he was pushing the woman off him. But this dude stood his ground against all these people while spreading the word of god.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Religious rants
yaasshat @yaasshat
Dude comes at them not from a place of caring, but as an Not to mention the need to film and cause controversy. Even Jesus hung out with tax collector's, alcoholics and prostitutes. Hell, he was accused of being in line with them.... Could've been how he approached and not just who. Just a thought.
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