For all the minors

Campari @mishi00
For all the minors
Campari @mishi00
With all due respect you really should get off of here, this is not a chat board by all means go find another place to be on. The mods really gotta deal with this.

αleph-01 @a1ephy
commented on
For all the minors
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Yes, the mods should deal with this. If the mods had any power. But mods don’t have much power. The mods are really just mods in name really. Mods can’t directly ban anyone. Only person that can ban anyone is the owner. If someone post a dick pic. Mods can’t ban the person that posted the dick pic. They either have to tell the owner to ban that person or the owner sees the dick pic himself. Then the owner bans that person. Mods on here are just really glorified tattletales. Minors shouldn’t be here, yes. But the minimum age to join is 16. I think it should be 18. But not my site. Not my rules. If you really have a problem with minors on the site. Then talk to the owner. Like I said. Mods don’t really have much power to change the age requirement or really directly ban anyone for that matter.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
For all the minors
Chocopyro @chocopyro

To clarify what I am looking for, if you guys want to help spot predatory or sexual abuse against minors, the YPMT (Youth protection mandatory training) program can help you identify grooming tactics and patterns with at least a base level of certification. It should give you an idea of what I am looking for. Not just for pedophilia, but for neglect, physical abuse, mental abuse, and other stuff. It's harder to scan for that kind of thing online, but still better than nothing. If I had it my way, all the mods and all the adult users would be required to take this test/training course. I'm probably due to retake the course. As ya see, last time I took it was in 2019, and there might be updated data now.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
For all the minors
Veru @verucassault
Cool. So would it be a good idea to comb through Sephiroth's friend list and identify users such as this?
Might be helpful if some clear and concise rules were available so people don't think this place is "anything goes".
rapetoy_rosie - MaiOtaku Anime

Campari @mishi00
commented on
For all the minors
Campari @mishi00
I mean in all honesty that itself should deter kids from being on something not for them. And Sephiroth? Thats the worst thing you can call me :,( rather be the funny genocide clown.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
For all the minors
Veru @verucassault
Sephiroth is the site owner and is automatically added as a friend to anyone who joins. I wasn't calling you anything and my post was more directed at Choco and the other mods.

Campari @mishi00
commented on
For all the minors
Campari @mishi00
Oh lmao i thought it was a jab at me cause I was friends with this person, tbh I completely forgot about it, yeah nudity is unnecessary, but the site reallt should be 18+

Campari @mishi00
commented on
For all the minors
Campari @mishi00
Tbh i think its a fake account thou

Veru @verucassault
commented on
For all the minors
Veru @verucassault
Np, doesn't matter if it's fake or not. That shouldn't be visible or accessible to anyone under 18. There is a NSFW forum where you can post that stuff but the fact that you can't keep minors from seeing nudity on profiles is bonkers. If there are rules about it, I haven't seen them. I found another profile connected to this one that doesn't have IRL pics but 100+ hentai pics all the same.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
For all the minors
Veru @verucassault
Plus it just makes sense to make the site 18 and over, from a legal standpoint. People are going to lie about their age and say they are old enough to be here and people are going to post pervy things despite knowing there are kids lingering out there. At least posting a disclaimer about content being only for 18 yo's and up puts the fault on anyone not adhering to that rule and covers the site's ass.
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