Mommy’s Random Thoughts

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
yaasshat @yaasshat
No one wants or needs "giant ass ground hogs". Rabbits, however, are quite delicious.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
(3:57 PM Sat.) So since plans changed and our mom chose to leave my second eldest brother and I with our grandma and other aunt (our grandma has dementia and needs to be watched). I decided I would take the time to sit down and finish writing up my story that was inspired by another story I did.
Tell me how the first one I wrote is 2k+ words and this second story (which is inspired by the first) is 10k+ words? Specifically 10,909 words...I don't even know how I managed to write that far lol. But that's what happens when I just take my good ol' time, I keep going and never stop until I force myself to. It is supposed to be a darker themed story as well...the things I had to look up to try and be as graphic as possible made me squeamish, but I do love to torture myself so I pushed on!
Writing makes me relaxed and sleepy, but my twin is gone to help our mom and she is like my battery. As I was writing I felt myself slowly draining in energy and now I want to sleep. She needs to come home already!

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
(8:05 PM Wed.) A couple days ago my eldest sister got hit on by a guy in the gym she goes to. Apparently he walked up to her and said: "what's up? You looking for a man or what?" Luckily he was a normal man who takes rejection well and left out sister alone when she politely told him no. But my twin and I just laughed like children being given candy at the thought of our dad finding out XD, he would flip at the men he deems as "buzzards" and "vultures" hitting on his eldest girl.
Besides that I also had a dream today where my sisters and I were told to get groceries from the store, but instead of parking the car we drove it through the store and picked up groceries we needed when we drove past them. Then I also dreamed of someone here on MO finding out my real name and using it and it made me irritated in the dream for some reason XD. I even texted the person and told them nicely not to use my name as we aren't close like that lol

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
yaasshat @yaasshat
*Sings melodicly* I knoooow your naaaaame!

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
@yaasshat Yes you do XD. As well as one other here, but I know it wasn't you in the dream that I was mad at XD

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
yaasshat @yaasshat

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
@yaasshat Yet, huh? Even if you shared my name I wouldn't be mad-or I would get over it very quickly to say the least XD.
I was thinking I should wait to reveal my name though. I'll make a whole game out of it with prizes and everything XD

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
yaasshat @yaasshat
You shall be "Mad Typewriter" until then. ;P

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
@yaasshat Why that name? XD I don't mind it but why typewriter? XD And thank you ;)

Pete Zahut @criselington
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Mommy’s Random Thoughts
Pete Zahut @criselington
Everyone knows your name is banana unicorn sprinkleglitter so it's all Gucci as the kids say.
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