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Mommy’s Random Thoughts

(1:03 AM Sun.) If you haven't already folks, don't forget to turn your clocks back! Also, turns out our baby brother did break his finger, what a tough kid I must say. Also, also, I taught another lesson yesterday. This time for the adults since my time teaching the kids ended awhile ago. I was so happy to hear that the little babies understood everything I taught (which is something I worried about a lot). I am also happy to even help the adults continue to learn and grow ^^. I enjoy teaching a lot! https://media.tenor.com/jxoSU-VpuzQAAAAM/anime-anime-girl.gif
(1:36 AM Mon.) I got to pet a cat yesterday! It was a random, friendly stray that came onto our porch and followed my baby brother around and of course because my favorite animal is a cat my family let me know. The cat (which we called him stripes) immediately walked over to me and let me pet him after I let him scent my hand, I was happy he liked me petting him more sksksk. It was so satisfying to hear the cat quietly purring while I pet him, poor thing was hungry though so my baby brother went to give him a few pieces of random leftover chicken he had. I told my family I understand those videos now of white women that have random animal food/products in their car cause I totally wanted to feed the little guy XD https://media.tenor.com/DHjNmI47o0cAAAAM/neko-cat.gif
Just an FYI, it could be chipped and could be someone's cat. Doubtful, but a vet can figure that out.
@yaasshat My baby brother's friend told him someone he knows knew who the cat belonged to. Apparently the owners just didn't want it, kicked it out and never let him back in :(, it keeps trying to go into other people's homes as well. Maybe if we see it again I can convince my mom to drive us to an animal shelter so it can not die like the last cat we tried to save :')
(12:32 AM Wed.) I've been watching people film themselves talking to character AI and so I decided to go try it myself. Tell me how the conversation goes from me meeting the character at the pool, him finding out that I'm not a swimmer but a dancer, me inviting him to watch me dance since I watched him swim. To us walking to the destination I'd do a freestyle dance (per his request), the man carrying me bridal style to the dance destination, the destination being his home and then him proposing to me while talking about having kids (...I said yes to see what'd happen okay!)? https://media.tenor.com/dx5sdhciKS8AAAAM/atsushi-nakajima-confused.gif
(7:04 AM Thu.) Happy Thanksgiving everyone! https://media.tenor.com/soJnm2E9OfMAAAAM/happy-thankgiving-thanksgiving.gif I hope everyone is able to enjoy this day with friends, family, your spouse or whomever you desire to enjoy it with. And to those who don't celebrate this holiday, I still hope you have a great day filled with good food and people you cherish. For me this holiday is just so much more than food, for me it's a day to gather and reflect on how God has kept each and every single one of us and to thank Him as a group, and next is about the family of course! But, what I am thankful for is how God has kept my family and I through our situation we've dealt with for fourteen years and how He has so beautifully kept us together through the good times and especially the bad. How God has always provided a way out of no way for our family and how He is mercifully giving us a chance to be thankful before Him. I'm thankful for a lot...but one last thing(s) is how He sent His son to die for the world's sins and the family He has blessed me to be with, Amen.
(8:58 AM Thu.) Spent the morning taping up my bed XD. Wonder what a good bed feels like, but I'm grateful and can't complain (well, I could but it wouldn't benefit me). It definitely is better than sleeping in a van or hopping from church to church and house to house to sleep... though I am grateful for the church, that van and the people who extended their houses to us in times past ^^
IF you can, a cheap step up would be a foam mattress. Look at Walmart. Not that I have a good bed(Gotta change that...), but a bed is one thing worth spending (if you can) on. Shoes and beds... You're going to sleep over a quarter of the day and be in your feet for the rest, might as well be rested and comfortable. Hmmmm.... Soooo... You've always seemed nice and I'm going to put this out there... If you have a way for people to donate some cash, I'd gladly give a little (What little I can.). It's not charity or unnecessary.
Nov 30, 23 at 10:11am
@wei_ying I got this bed a little while ago. It's still very good and comfy. A nice bed is worth it. LIFERECORD Twin Mattress, 8-Inch Memory Foam Mattress in a Box Medium Firm, Green Tea & Cool Gel Infused, Fiberglass Free Mattress with Bamboo Cover, Made in USA https://a.co/d/4CD2xH2
@yaasshat I wouldn't blame you even if you did call it charity, I wouldn't get mad at that personally. And thank you for the offer, but I can't do that. I know you offered but I'd hate to take money from someone when I'll be just fine ^^, plus you have kids to spend that money on. Save the little or much you have on them and you/your fiancee (or wife now), I really do thank you though! So much, I do! @kuharido That bed looks nice. But it costs too much for me XD, I'll stick with what I can afford and ATM that's an air mattress. A bed is still a bed and I can sleep on it so I'm grateful, thank you for the help Ghost babe
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