Empicca's Territory

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
@lewd_araragi hahaha random post

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
1123 ( r a n d o m ) ~ went to an art exhibit today w my mom :) i had fun :)

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
https://media.tenor.com/z-tjiE68w40AAAAC/kiniromozaic-kinmozaic.gif 619PM ( r a n d o m ) ~ my cousin, who is very pretty, smart, with a stable job and from a very respected fam just got cheated on by her husband with another woman who does not have a regular job and who has three kids from different men. sometimes I wonder if the concept of marriage is still worth it these days. I know it's different for everyone, but dem most relationships are like that these days. No offense, but, in my experience and stories from people I know and am close with, it's usually men who cheat or with major probs. And another funny thing is how men would still f deny stuff even when there are tons of evidence. Hahaha. My cousin is still hurt asf but yea life must go on, she is spending time with her fam, trynna arrange the legal papers for the liquidation of properties etc. etc. and she's also working on her promotion. Guess relationship w career/money is besto one. Hahaha. I feel bad for her and the fam. Also gives me another reason to stay away from any relationship. Hahaha. But if I ever get into a new relationship I hope the universe gives me a good guy. Huehue.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Empicca's Territory
Gabriel @gabriel_true
That's terrible about what happened with your cousin. Glad she has a foundation she can pivot from to remove herself from that horrible situation. As for men typically being the cheaters in the relationship, remember that it takes 2 to tango. Unless the men are hooking up with other men then statistics would suggest an equal number of men and women cheat. I hope for the best for your cousin and yourself.

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
@gabriel_true well yea, thats why I said based on my experience and from people I know or close with only. Cause I know both men and women can do it, and both might be the prob. It could be that both the husband and wife has problems, but as someone who treats marriage as somethin sacred, for me cheating is not the answer. Like, okay, both of you have probs, work it out then, talk it out, compromise, make things work. If youre unhappy with the marriage then leave in a civil/legal way. I see cheating as something done by people with psychological probs or with issues. If thats the case, go therapy before getting married. lol. Just my opinion tho hahahuehue. I feel really sensitive with this topic as someone who got cheated on. To think that it was just a teen relationship, imagine how it would f hurt like hell considering its already your husband or wife. Huehue. Just wish healing for everyone. Huehue.

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha


Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Empicca's Territory
Gabriel @gabriel_true
To clarify I did not insinuate a member of your family deserved to be cheated upon or was at fault in that case. What I referred to was the general mentality people of both genders take towards getting married when that isn't what one or the other wants. As yourself mentioned before, yes society in most cultures; whether Asian, American, European, or Middle Eastern; pressures people to bond as an expected family unit. The man is supposed to marry the woman and build a happy home to create the next foundation for a new generation to prosper from. This however is an ideal that can create its own set of challenges for those that don't have the means or opportunities to make this concept work as intended. Either way, your cousin did nothing wrong. Just don't burden yourself with the idea that most men are unreliable or that you've got to have a picture perfect relationship to be happy. As you've proven, you have the means to build your own foundation. Any person who you're comfortable with would be grateful to have a relationship with a dependable person like you. That's all, be well!

lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
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Empicca's Territory
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
@amarantha It's terrible that happened to your cousin, sound's like she didn't deserve that. People suck. Don't let it influence you to the point you never try to find romance again tho.

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Empicca's Territory
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Sorry to hear that happened with your cousin, she sounds like a very nice woman and I am sorry to hear her ex-husband did that to her. But, you should try to remember Gab and Lewd-Chad’s advice ^-^, it is pretty solid my love. I understand how it feels to be worried or afraid to do something because seeing what other people have done or could do, but what others do shouldn’t stop us from enjoying life and the love it can bring. You’ll find the right one when the time comes darling <3, best wishes to your cousin and the family

Veru @verucassault
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Empicca's Territory
Veru @verucassault
I struggle with why so many people cheat. I think there should be more psychological studies done about it. I can pretty easily identify sociopathic behaviors in people, but sometimes people who cheat would be those that you wouldn't think would do it. Some people hide their darkness better than others. To me, it's an unforgivable offense. I would never do it. Even flirting with another person is like being careless with a can of gasoline.
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