Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.

YourDaGreat @astennuu
Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.
YourDaGreat @astennuu
Short on funds which most likely will result on me not being able to attend this year con that i really wanted to go to. if you want to help but not donating. maybe consider sharing..? would help.

lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
commented on
Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
Probably not the best place to ask for something like that. Better off trying go fund me or something like that

Sobo275 @sobo275
commented on
Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.
Sobo275 @sobo275
You could always get a side job until the con and then quit.

lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
commented on
Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
@sobo275 Pretty sure that's what 90% of us would say on here. If you don't have the funds you don't have the funds simple as that

Arc @arc
commented on
Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.
Arc @arc
Ah, I remember back in my day kids had to have a part time job to get money

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.
Veru @verucassault
lol fucking boomer

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Hey guys, I'm going to Galaxycon 2022. Anyone got $50 I could have?
I promise to have fun at the convention on your behalf if you do.
Also it'd be really cool if like ya'll could help me fund renovations on my wrap around deck. It's only 9k to rebuild it and I'll definitely send pictures of it once the work gets finished. Maybe I'll even invite you over to grill on it sometime? Wouldn't that be swell? Just chilling and grilling on my porch that you generously paid for.
Well anyway, be sure to forward your MoneyGrams to my new Wells Fargo account that some other generous person opened in my name to funnel thousands of fraudulent IRS dollars through. I know they'll appreciate it too.

JEFF @jayashr1
commented on
Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.
JEFF @jayashr1
This account has been suspended.

Sobo275 @sobo275
commented on
Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.
Sobo275 @sobo275
I'll handle the funds on his behalf to make sure he doesn't spend it on something dumb as hell. Just transfer it to my PayPal ;)

Ghost @kuharido
commented on
Help me attend Kami-con 2022 anything helps.
Ghost @kuharido
Try starting a only fans or if you're bold try escorting
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