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Political rants

Jul 13, 24 at 10:23pm
Y'all know exactly how this is going to be used right? You know what drives Republicans to the polls the most? You see it every election cycle. Fear.
At this point the aura Trump gained from that has sky rocketed his voter approval astronomically
Jul 14, 24 at 4:36am
Jul 14, 24 at 4:53am
They released the ID on the shooter https://www.reuters.com/world/us/heres-what-we-know-about-thomas-matthew-crooks-suspected-trump-rally-shooter-2024-07-14/
Jul 14, 24 at 4:55am
Jul 14, 24 at 11:36am
@verucassault From the description here, we're dealing with one of those libertarian types. Wore hunting getups in school, sat alone, probably smelled bad (Hunters have a certain aroma about them), Probably slipped down one of those incel rabbit holes, and allegedly made fun of all the time. While not inherently progressive, they are pro democracy. Libertarians (The real ones, not alt right masquerading as them) and progressives are both suppressed parties politically. The donation makes sense in that context. But I know exactly what people are gonna think when they see these two things together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVMtQ4piGR8
Trump Aura Maximum
Arc @arc commented on Political rants
Jul 15, 24 at 6:41pm
Trump picked JD Vance as his VP. He seems about 77 years too young to be considered for the position. Barely out of the crib as far as politics are concerned. I don't trust politicians that haven't lived in the Cretaceous period. Can you guys even imagine a vice president that isn't as old as the dirt you walk on? I, for one, cannot.
Jul 15, 24 at 7:30pm
@skibidilolololollll Is this a political commentary using a culinary dish?
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