Going without coffee
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Going without coffee
yaasshat @yaasshat
Get a good coffee scrub. Smells so good, but that could just be me.
Good on you, though. Realistically, straight black coffee would at worse stain your teeth. But, if you felt like it was a problem for you, good job weening yourself down to just an occasional coffee.
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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Going without coffee
Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
I detest coffee, but I can stay up a whole night and sleep on mornings.
MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
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Going without coffee
MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
I am never without coffee when going to work. Caffeine is the best fuel, the twitching eye side effects hardly bother me.
foxywhite @foxywhite
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Going without coffee
foxywhite @foxywhite
If ice cappuchino is considered as coffe for this one. I say that my dad should be happy because it is really great at calming my anger
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
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Going without coffee
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
I don't like coffee
Xinpaca @xinmage
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Going without coffee
Xinpaca @xinmage
I don't like you... @beherit
ゼム @umi_nezumi
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Going without coffee
ゼム @umi_nezumi
I don't drink coffee for the caffeine. I got rid of my machine awhile ago and started doing pour over. It makes for a good morning ritual. No sweeteners.
Ghost @kuharido
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Going without coffee
Ghost @kuharido
I don't like coffee either
Xinpaca @xinmage
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Going without coffee
Xinpaca @xinmage
Arc @arc
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Going without coffee
Arc @arc
I really do think that anybody who says that they don't like coffee haven't ever tried good coffee before. Most people only try 1% of the entire range of coffee flavors in the world
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