Why are you single?

Hidden Commander @hiddencommander
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Why are you single?
Hidden Commander @hiddencommander
I just have bad luck

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
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Why are you single?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Grew up in special ed with too many old and disabled people, overprotective and sometimes cruel parenting, lack of my type of friends to socially hangout with (most people talk about typical movies, TV shows, sports, cars/trucks, Parental Advisory vocal music, country food, FPS games, etc., etc.), family and others overcustomizing me with styles not matching what my instincts tell me, and my fear of how my family would react to a future lover. Perhaps I should either marry a Japanese woman or remain single for life.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Why are you single?
Gabriel @gabriel_true

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Why are you single?
Gabriel @gabriel_true

DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
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Why are you single?
DEAD ACCOUNT @hibarisan
Cos I'm happier being alone.
But I feel better after being in a relationship for a year.. I feel relief.

ancientruler @ancientruler
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Why are you single?
ancientruler @ancientruler
This account has been suspended.

Wik @wik
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Why are you single?
Wik @wik
I suck at dating! Specifically, I try to be funny, but my jokes don't stick. :D

Jin @jin67
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Why are you single?
Jin @jin67
I gotta figure myself out first. Been through a lot of people and it's kinda made me antisocial. But I'm trying to get better.

Highway Curly @forgetmenot
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Why are you single?
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Why am I single? I'm not. How did I come to be taken? I stopped pushing myself to find the one person for me. Love is more of a privilege than a right. Privileges are easily purged. Take each and every step into consideration before you take it. It's really not that hard. Don't piss yourself if you get cheated on. There's a billion people, a billion possibilities. It's going to happen. Try to show maturity, and accept that. People don't want a man/woman who live life with a fantastical mind

αleph-01 @a1ephy
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Why are you single?
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Muh dicc is too smol
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