Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
Veru @verucassault
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Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
Veru @verucassault
I like to think Jason loves his work. He might not look like he appreciates nature while he's sawing teenagers in half or chopping off heads, but there's a lot to be said for his consistency. He did go to Manhattan after all. What happened after that? He went back to the woods.... after he went to Hell of course.
XP @yaasshat
Veru @verucassault
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Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
Veru @verucassault
You know what. I'm going to do this. All I have is my trail, I'm going to buy a hockey mask and go hang out in the middle of the day. I wonder if it would freak people out or if they would turn back the way they come.
Veru @verucassault
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Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
Veru @verucassault
What does it take to rewrite the narrative of failure and triumph over our circumstances? Albert Camus challenges readers to look past the eternal plight of Sisyphus and narrow in on the real triumph in the myth, and imagine Sisyphus happy in his essay, The Myth of Sisyphus.
a comment to this =
Albert Camus lived at a time when he didn't have the means to get the myth in Kerala an Indian state. The myth goes like this.
There was one PARAYI one born of lower caste of the period had twelve children by men of different castes and socioeducational status. One of the was BRANDHAN Or The mad or the exentialist, called Naatanathubranthan. He had strange ways of living. He also said to have rolled a hesvy stone up a steep hill and let it go fast down the hill thus celebrating the futility of living. He was while having his supper cooked on the fire from the funeral pyre, the KAALI appeared there and tried to frighten the BRANDAN. Finding the absurd unmoved, KAali having power to grant boom asked the absurd to as a boom. The offer is rejected saying that he doesn't want any. However KAALI insists. BRANDHAN asks for boom to die a minute before or after his set time of death. KAALI pleads her inability. Then as real absurd he asks KAALI change elephantiasis from his right leg to the left. I think Camus could have been able find a satisfying answer to hi existential dilemma. You can also find answers to your existential dilemma if dive deep in to Vegas Upanishads and puranas of the Hindu tradition. Never approach a religious text as there's no religion called Hinduism as thought by anyone in the world. It's a way leading life differently by many different groups and subgroups identifying the essence of the way of Life without prescription and proscription.
Veru @verucassault
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Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
Veru @verucassault
Meaning or Happiness ? ? ?
Amir @amir_bahram
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Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
Amir @amir_bahram
Out of all the things I could've inherited from my dad, I inherited his ADHD. I talked to him about using his medicine but he refused to give me his Ritalin. He said the side effects messed him up and he doesn't want that to happen to me and I understand. He cares for his son and I respect that. But I really need that medicine. My studies have gotten much harder and I've got an exam coming up in March or April. I've joined a library and keeping myself busy there but my attention is at 10 different places at once.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
yaasshat @yaasshat
Been diagnosed or self diagnosed? And,I don't mean going to a doctor who just gives you medication because you "think" you have ADHD. With insurance, the medication isn't all that expensive. If you are not ADHD, Ritalin is a stimulant and you'll be bouncing off the walls... I mean, it's literally in the meth family of drugs. I used to take it and one day my dad wanted to see how it affected him, needless to say,he was super hyper.XD
Amir @amir_bahram
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Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
Amir @amir_bahram
The doctor who diagnosed me,
*Queue dramatic music*
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
yaasshat @yaasshat
Ah, just curious. I know to many people who just think they are or label themselves as such without actually going and getting checked out. Still, I feel like there's better than Ritalin. It seemed like back in the 90's every kid was getting "diagnosed" as being ADHD and that was the go to drug.
Amir @amir_bahram
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Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
Amir @amir_bahram
It's really bad. I can't focus for more than one minute. I'm always walking around my apartment without knowing it and when I realize I'm doing I'm like, "why did I come here?". AND THEN I DO IT AGAIN.
If you ever Wana torture me for information, just make me sit down. I CAN NOT sit down for a long period of time. Adderall works for long period of time but isn't as effective as Ritalin. Ritalin works for a shorter period of time but turns you into a God. XD
I've seen my dad use Ritalin. There was a time when he used to do Meth but he quit after he saw how it was effecting him.
(I got up and walked around my apartment 3 times now)
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Mental Illness (Mental Wellness)
yaasshat @yaasshat
I just can't focus, period. It's become a facet of my life. XD Unfortunately, you don't always grow out of ADD/ADHD.
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