Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Ah, that is interesting to learn. So with whole bean I take it you ground it yourself?
I admit I am not that dedicated. Still, I have learned one thing in my humble pursuit for good coffee.
NEVER add vanilla.
Stuff is disgusting!
Seriously, I love vanilla flavoring for most everything. Yet coffee is not one of them.
Chocolate works great though.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
So I've attempted to pour chocolate syrup into a cup of hot coffee to make HOT CHOCOLATE COFFEE!!!!
Tastes alright...

inter_change @inter_change
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
inter_change @inter_change
I drink the canned Japanese UCC stuff.

Veru @verucassault
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Veru @verucassault
Kona is the best coffee I've ever had. I usually throw in lots of milk or cream with sugar, but Kona .... sweet Kona. It's expensive tho.

Amir @amir_bahram
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Amir @amir_bahram
I just found out Jacksepticeye released his Coffee Brand. First a clothing brand and now coffee. Its kinda weird to see the same kid that didn't know what he was doing and used to live in a cabin has grown into a man that owns 2 brands and is one of the most successful You Tubers.

commented on
Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
This one

Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Hawaiian coffee? Seems like it would have a very sweet tropical flavor.
I remember that coffee from a movie called "The Bucket List" starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.

Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Dyadka Yar @dyadka_yar
I like my coffee Byzantine style. Some people call it Greek or Turkish coffee with many arguments over who started it. I say screw it and call it Byzantine coffee since it gets both countries. I can tell you it is the strongest coffee you can get, thick too. Almost like heavy cream.

Veru @verucassault
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Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Veru @verucassault
It's not overly bitter and I swear when I drink it I taste coconuts.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Coffee Secrets/ What's the technique?
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I will look into trying some then Veruc.
As for Byzantine coffee, I imagine it to be tough to drink haha!
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