Obligatory New Person Post

Woz @wozsynchron
Obligatory New Person Post
Woz @wozsynchron
Where to begin?
I live in NY and work full time I've been into anime since I was in high school. Seen some good stuff, seen some great stuff, and seen some. "oh god why did I watch this?" stuff.
Anime aside I'm also into TCGs, my current one is Cardfight Vanguard but I've also been trying the Transformers TCG
I occasionally build model kits, I prefer Zoids over Gunpla
Also a horror fan, stories, movies, video games. I love those "real ghosts/monster/demons caught on camera" videos you see on Youtube Not saying they are all real. I believe the majority of them are hoaxes of varying quality and people who honestly thought they had something weird but maybe have a legitimate explanation
I've written fan-fiction and this has lead to an interest in writing original works.. Got a few short horror stories ou there

Veru @verucassault
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Obligatory New Person Post
Veru @verucassault
Welcome to the site!

Nat @the_noctor
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Obligatory New Person Post
Nat @the_noctor
This account has been suspended.

Jessie @erendel
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Obligatory New Person Post
Jessie @erendel
Hello, welcome.

Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
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Obligatory New Person Post
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
erendel is on a mission

Oyabun @senpaisamasan
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Obligatory New Person Post
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
Erendel really wants to make some friends

Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
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Obligatory New Person Post
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
she is dedicated

Vagene @ahuman
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Obligatory New Person Post
Vagene @ahuman
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