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Jan 19, 21 at 9:42pm
^^^ It is. My thing is: How does this anyhow disprove the point I was making? What single parent spends 20$ per person on a meal? None. They are trying to save money and spend as little as they can.. and still barely make it above the poverty line (and many don't at all).
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 19, 21 at 9:44pm
And busting out the social worker info, that mother would probably qualify for state/fed assistance for food, shelter, occasional bills [particularly peak summer and winter months], and potentially childcare. Depends on the state, if it's a Native American household they could recieve more. We shouldn't have to have gov assistance but its been a part of America since the Great Depression. Women with children are not the most endangered people here in America. Its our impoverished elderly.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 19, 21 at 9:49pm
The way people see it is the gov can only give so much so when that social security payment caps out, not only does it effect other assistance other people say younger and with children would qualify for, but there are no supplements past social security and those other programs. The elderly must rely on charities like Meals on Wheels for food. Where as a woman with 6 children could get anywhere from $800-1600 per month for food alone. Its an incredibly imbalanced system that works against older people.
Jan 19, 21 at 9:49pm
Smh no, ok so even this example applies lets say you are a single parent and go to McDonalds to feed your kids for the day. $20 is probably how much you will spend in total. Depending on how many kids and what their metabolism is like. Not per person but in total. This can apply even in your scenario. You can go to McDonald's spend $20 or go to the store and buy $20 worth of groceries and cook food for your kids for a week. Or get peanut butter and bread and just make sandwiches. And eat maybe instant ramen. If that still doesnt satisfy you and you wish to pick apart that example how about i say you cut tv and internet and opt for using the library if needed.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 19, 21 at 9:55pm
Just throwing this out there depending on how many children there are, that $20 at McDonald's isn't going to go very far let alone buy groceries for a full week for an entire household. I hate to be THAT person but thats incredibly unrealistic. I guess you could buy rice and beans and maybe a slab of bacon to season them up but even for multiple people that will only get you 2-3 days of food. OH and metabolism yes, teenagers in the household would make it last less longer.
Jan 19, 21 at 9:57pm
Thats where coupons come in fam ;3
Bunnyman @taiyou commented on News
Jan 19, 21 at 9:59pm
Realistically speaking 40 to 50 at the grocery store... a box of bubba burgers, buns, and some fixings and a bag of fries. A weeks worth of mcdonalds trips right there... this is a more accurate representation, but should still show, grocery store is a better option. Fast food like mcdonalds you mostly pay for the convenience that it is made for you.
Jan 19, 21 at 10:00pm
I really don't understand why people still think raising a child is cheap... (300$ per month). The bare minimum isn't enough unless you want your kid to have a bad headstart https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2017/01/13/cost-raising-child
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 19, 21 at 10:02pm
Thats why people our age aren't having them. Its not inexpensive. Its entirely unpracticle. Americans are going to die out. Hurry up Panda, sew your wild oats and give America some life.
Jan 19, 21 at 10:03pm
Food stamps people, food stamps.
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