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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyiHDbciNwI #CovidVirus Some people just can't wear there fucking mask....
Mar 29, 21 at 2:08pm
I also just found about Gothix not too long ago. I watched the video. She ends the video with. "Blame everything on systemic racism and call it a day." Except that in the video. Gothix blamed everything on black culture and called it a day. Very nuanced indeed. I won’t go through everything in the video, but I'll give my general thoughts on the video. Ok, let’s start off from the beginning. I also agree that children shouldn’t have access to porn. As much as Cardi’s performance was scandalous. It wasn’t porn. Even Gothix acknowledges that Cardi’s B performance wasn’t porn. If you don’t think it’s porn. You also don’t want to censor that which you don’t think is porn. Then what’s the problem? Oh, well you see. It’s black culture. Then we get to the crux of her argument. According to Gothix. Black culture is the problem. She gives statistics about black crime, black households, and other statics about the black community. She then states at 6:28. "I can't help but wonder if the culture has any correlation to the data." Her entire argument is hinders on that correlation. Gothix main argument is as follows. The violence in black culture correlates to violence in the black community. Where violence in media correlates to violent behavior. Think about the violence. Think about the kids. Where have I heard this argument before? Oh, that's right! The violence in video games. Many before Gothix made the similar erroneous assumption that violence in video games correlates to violence in the streets. Except that numerous studies found little to no correlation between violent video games and actual violence. I see no reason why music lyrics rapping about shooting people is more correlated to actual violence then someone shooting people in violent video games. Quite frankly, there's is no rigorous scientific method to actually find an actual correlation between violence in rap or violent video games to actual violence. Gothix’s argument about a correlation between black culture and violence is completely duncical and unfactual. What exactly is this so called black culture? I'm assuming black culture refers to art produced by black people. Seems simple enough. Then it also follows. That white culture is art produced by white people e.g. country music. Industrial metal is also mostly dominated by white artist like Marylin Manson and Rammstein. What do you see from the previously mentioned artist? You sometimes see satanic and Nazi imagery. Because of Marylin Manson's lyrics. Manson was falsely blamed for influencing the Columbine High School shooting. Now wait a minute. Isn't this what Gothix is also doing to black culture? Falsely blaming black culture for violence. If she really feels like violent culture leads to violent actions. Then why didn't she also criticize violence in white culture as well? If I was a betting man. I bet Gothix won't make a video about violence in white culture. About how industrial metal is influencing society towards violence and corrupting the youth. As it doesn't fit her narrative of black culture bad. Blame everything on black culture and called it a day. @verucassault
Mar 29, 21 at 2:13pm
Here's another black conservative youtuber. The dude is no dogmatic conservative bootlicker. Make no mistake. He is a conservative. His pro-gun, prolife, anti-illegal immigration etc. Even though he’s a conservative. He rightfully criticizes the right, when the right goes full bonkers crazy. Just like when the left goes full bonkers crazy. Amazing Lucas thought that liberals had gone crazy during the muller investigation and the impeachment trial. Amazing Lucas also thought that conservatives had gone crazy during the whole election fraud fiasco. That’s what it means to be nuanced. To look at both sides of the isle. Identify when they both make mistakes. The Amazing Lucas is not perfect. He says some really dumb shit from time to time. I have some major disagreements with some of the shit that the Amazing Lucas says. But unlike many bootlickers from both the left and the right. The amazing Lucas is not strictly dogmatic to one side of the isle. @verucassault https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyzJlG-axbc&ab_channel=TheAmazingLucas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd9nurWcyWI&ab_channel=TheAmazingLucas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzUCBycAmds&ab_channel=TheAmazingLucas
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Mar 29, 21 at 5:33pm
Aleph-2 @alephy I have seen you post something of his before. I'll check him out. As for Gothix and her referencing the culture, I'm pretty sure there's more to culture than art, music, video games, etc. She did spit facts out that it seems you disregarded. However, I'm not going to jump to conclusions on what I think the problems are. I'm not black. She is. She has more of a grasp on black culture and black problems than I will ever have. She's knowledgeable and informed. With Candace I can see her leaning into the right on her stances, but not Gothix. So I guess agree to disagree.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Mar 29, 21 at 5:42pm
@alephy re What culture encompasses http://people.tamu.edu/~i-choudhury/culture.html "What exactly is this so called black culture? I'm assuming black culture refers to art produced by black people. Seems simple enough." The music and art can reflect a culture but it is much more than those things and not that simple really. In her video she starts off talking about culture in relation to the Cardi B performance but then moves much deeper into it by mentioning blacks leading in homicides, lack of 2 parents in black households/blacks leading in single parent households, leading in Sexually Trasmitted Infections, and leading in abortions. "That tells me there's either a parenting problem or a culture problem." - Gothix She's referring to these being learned bad decisions and poor habits that are more broadly accepted by a culture. Going to bounce back to the Cardi B thing. I haven't watched a clip, I have something I want to say before I do. I'm pretty sure it can't be as racey or more racey than what has already been done at the grammies before. People were saying the same thing about Madonnna in the 90s when she simulated masturbation during her Vogue and Erotica tours. Not to mention the Madonna, Britney, Christina kiss performance at the MVAs in the 00s. Aside from having an accidental costume malfunction (Janet Jackson at the Superbowl), there's nothing too salacious that can be done on tv for the sake of "art". **Just watched it. Was more vanilla than I expected.
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Mar 29, 21 at 5:48pm
*buuuuuuuuuuuuuurp* 83
Mar 29, 21 at 6:12pm
@verucassault https://media.giphy.com/media/7rj2ZgttvgomY/giphy.gif
The Suez Canal is finally free!
Mar 29, 21 at 7:27pm
@liloisback That is a fun time right there. Using a more bestial technique I can scale the local mountain which is something like 1200 feet in about 30 minutes.
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