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Tell me what a 9 year old is gonna do when their parents are fleeing from the cartel and pulling them along?
Jan 25, 21 at 4:04pm
The parents will just get sent back though?
Oh yeah and the kids will just be left orphaned
And i said 9 year old cause that's the age my parents were when they were forced to come here some aren't even a year old yet
Saying things like "they came here illegally didn't they" is what makes people view the right as racist bro tell me how a 3 year old is gonna avoid that?
Jan 25, 21 at 4:07pm
I'm all for legalizing illegals only if they show the effort through passing a citizenship test and study for it. Sex traffickers and cartel who come here illegally should not be given a free pass to live here too. Any way you look at this is a messy situation.
My mom's been in the process of being legalized for 5 years it takes a lot of money and a lot of time
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 25, 21 at 4:08pm
They can apply for asylum too but the problem is is that every person that crosses the border is going to claim they are fleeing persecution.
Bunnyman @taiyou commented on News
Jan 25, 21 at 4:08pm
Ok. First things first, at what point do your countries border laws not apply? And when do they? Are you gonna open your door for every lost soul who needs it? Show me pics and video. Secondly the separation of kids from their family is horrifying... but its not the fault of trump or even Ice, its the laws they are upholding, there is no sub article on what to do with kids, or at least wasnt, they just have our own laws to go by, which the kid cant be with the parent when the parents are going to be in court/processed
Veru @verucassault commented on News
Jan 25, 21 at 4:09pm
But it's the same way for everyone, not just people from Mexico. Dude. Do you see Canadians crossing over to the US? It sucks here.
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