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Jan 20, 21 at 4:43pm
The comment section basically says this entire spiel sounds like north korea propaganda https://youtu.be/07PDndorA_c
Jan 20, 21 at 4:44pm
Lol, they dropped out because of the lack of evidence. Rats leaving the sinking ship.
Jan 20, 21 at 4:45pm
Jan 20, 21 at 4:46pm
So much evidence that big tech literally has to fact check him everytime he posts. Even down to outright deplatforming him.
Jan 20, 21 at 4:49pm
That was a complete non sequitur, but ok.
Jan 20, 21 at 4:50pm
Im pretty sure in one of his recounts they found a few extra votes that were not counted. And while its not enough to overturn. Its still uncounted votes.
Jan 20, 21 at 4:53pm
Actually relevant news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4AdFD3E2ok
Jan 20, 21 at 4:54pm
A few extra uncounted votes doesn't mean voter fraud. Counts and recounts are not always exact. There is always some error. *President Trumps lies about massive voter fraud* Pandus: How dare they fact check lies!
Jan 20, 21 at 5:05pm
Im not gonna defend my point tbh, he isnt even in office anymore so there really is no point. But i feel there was evidence out there. Just very covered up. I didnt care for either candidate :) just hope for everyone sake biden is the hero you all were hoping for
Lamby @momoichi commented on News
Jan 20, 21 at 5:06pm
just popping in to say jenny nicholson is a blessing her videos are wholesome and hilarious at the same time
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