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elhaym @elhaym commented on News
Jan 20, 21 at 12:10pm
Türkisch people are totally nice, like ordinary Chinese people who doesn't praise the CCP. I love Turkish food and their culture.
Cero @cero commented on News
Jan 20, 21 at 2:22pm
This account has been suspended.
Jan 20, 21 at 3:01pm
A MAGA rioter from the US capitol allegedly wanted to sell Pelosi's stolen laptop. To the Russians of all people. Talk about a true American patriot. Possibly selling sensitive information to the Russians. That is textbook treason, if you ask me. You still think some of these people weren't anti democratic? But since they believed in their heart of hearts that they were cheated. Therefore in the right. Then i guess everything is ok, right? @Pandus https://i.ani.me/0291/0910/rus.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfzJs4MfTe0&ab_channel=ITVNews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yagWopvuKOg&ab_channel=CBSPhilly https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/capitol-rioter-plotted-sell-stolen-pelosi-laptop-russian-intelligence-n1254583
Jan 20, 21 at 3:21pm
@verucassault its trending rn on reddit. But apparently some propagandists are spewing bs about how fort detrick really started the virus because there was a outbreak or some spill out there....but its in maryland and the virus originated in wuhan china and didnt get to america until the Europeans/returning americans brought it here.
Jan 20, 21 at 3:22pm
@alephy there are no supporting documents stating she was gonna sell to russians. Only a claim from her ex partner. She did take the laptop but turned herself in when ratted out.
Jan 20, 21 at 3:30pm
Just like there were no supporting documents for voter fraud. Just claims from people. Yet, you still believed those claims. Seems like your willing to believe one set of eye witness testimony, but not others? Bias 101 sucka. As I said. It is still an allegation. Let the process play out in court. If the allegations are true. Talk about a true American patriot. The FBI is still actively investigating. @hell_hound7
Jan 20, 21 at 3:34pm
Yeah but just like one went through the court system and lost you gotta wait for this one to go through same process :P If she truly was gonna sell it to Russians then GG. Again all of this is just accusations from her ex.
Jan 20, 21 at 4:03pm
If all the massive allegations of voter fraud would have had any real substance. Trump's own Justice Department would have been foaming at the mouths to find evidence to take to court (metaphorically) . Yet, how many hundreds of cases of voter fraud from Trump's own Justice Department was taken into court? Rudy Giuliani does not count as lawsuits from the Justice Department. As Rudy Giuliani is not part of the Justice Department. Rudy Giuliani is Trump's own personal lawyer. Rudy Giuliani lost all the cases. Rudy Giuliani even lost cases to Trump appointed judges. Maybe the Trump appointed judges were in on the massive conspiracy as well? Lol Then we have this case. Enough evidence was found to bring the case against the woman stealing the laptop. Which was still technically Trump's own Justice Department. More then eye witness testimony and hearsay. There is also video evidence of her yelling/guiding people into the capitol. Seems very odd what she's doing. Why was she at the capitol? Why did she steal the laptop? What was she planning to do with the information in the laptop? Probably warrants an investigation. Different scenario where Trump's own Justice Department brought and did not bring criminal cases. Statement given by the FBI agent in charge of the case. https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1357051/download
Jan 20, 21 at 4:16pm
Speaking of Rudy Giuliani. Trump allegedly didn't want to pay Rudy Giuliani because he wasn't winning bigly enuf (not really but kind of). ROFL, Trump not paying Rudy for his legal work. You really can't make this shit up. You know what would be even funnier? Rudy Giuliani then sues Trump for non payment. Double ROFL https://i.ani.me/0291/0958/bruhrofl.png https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/13/politics/donald-trump-rudy-giuliani-legal-fees-white-house/index.html
Jan 20, 21 at 4:38pm
I feel like the trump legal team did very poorly. He even fired some of them in the middle of the case. His first legal team could have probably won some but they dropped out most likely due to social pressure and reputation. I mean rudy Giuliani is probably never gonna land a job....hell most of the people supporting trump are probably never gonna have luck after this.
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