Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi

MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi
MugiwaraMaster @mugiwaramaster
Might as well forget about the Dark Continent Arc ever continuing. Togashi is too sick to even break the hiatus.

Vagene @ahuman
commented on
Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi
Vagene @ahuman
This account has been suspended.

Vagene @ahuman
commented on
Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi
Vagene @ahuman
This account has been suspended.

αlερh - 3 @whodatbe123
commented on
Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi
αlερh - 3 @whodatbe123
Never seen this anime. Word on the weaboo streets is that it's good. I'll be the judge of that if I ever see it.

astryl @astryl
commented on
Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi
astryl @astryl
Didn't this already happen ? Will it ever finish???

Jeff @jeffkun
commented on
Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi
Jeff @jeffkun
I think it'd be better if he gave over the reigns to another artist and continue HxH as a duo project. He'll give the story, the other mangaka will draw. I need to start on this after exams

Avenger @avenger_senpai
commented on
Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi
Avenger @avenger_senpai
This and Berserk are never going to end lol

astryl @astryl
commented on
Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi
astryl @astryl
Reboot for eternity

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Well that's a schwing killer...

sillygoofycreature @sillygoofycreature
commented on
Hunter x Hunter is indefinitely delayed due to recent events with Togashi
sillygoofycreature @sillygoofycreature
man will the suffering ever end for us hunter hunter fans?
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