Surfing the Crimson Wave
Veru @verucassault
Surfing the Crimson Wave
Veru @verucassault
So yeah, I was the one that was thinking about making the period thread. It can be serious, it can be fun, it can be informative. If you want to come here and vent, do so, if you want to discuss or share personal experiences, do so.
I'll start.
I got my period like a month after turning 11, I can't remember if that's considered extremely early or not. I remember telling my mother and crying because I was embarrassed and my mom definitely wasn't ready to give me those talks. Instead, I got pamphlets to read as if she were a dad trying to cope with the fact that their child was starting puberty. LOL Thankfully she let me subscribe to 3 different girl magazines that equipped me with the knowledge I needed. It saved her from the trouble of talking about it and saved me the trouble from asking. I've always had super bad cramps and have gone through the ringer trying to determine if I have endometriosis. All I know is my grandmother, mother, and my aunt (mother's sister) have all had partial hysterectomies. I keep waiting for when my doctor wants to discuss having this done. Every month it seems like they get worse but I think just having super bad cramps is just the norm for me. It's odd when I don't have bad ones. I've tried explaining to my bf what they are like and how debilitating they are and the only thing he can compare it to by the sounds of it for men is testicular torsion.
By @futago
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Surfing the Crimson Wave
By @futago
Not my personal experience as I'm a guy lol but this week I found out my girlfriend missed her period. Last time we did it was almost 2 months ago before the enchanced community quarantine here in the Philippines. She's not able to go to her doctor because of this pandemic and she took a pregnancy test earlier this werk and it's negative? I'm wondering what is the cause of her delay and are there chances that she's pregnant even though the results came back negative. Am I just being paranoid?
Veru @verucassault
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Surfing the Crimson Wave
Veru @verucassault
@futago The best pregnancy test is at the doc where they test blood instead of urine. If it were me I would take another test to be sure. Women can skip periods though, it's fairly common. Can be from stress, change of diet. Lots of variables.
Lishifu @hakutaku
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Surfing the Crimson Wave
Lishifu @hakutaku
I have never had cramps...
ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
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Surfing the Crimson Wave
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Vagene @ahuman
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Surfing the Crimson Wave
Vagene @ahuman
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ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
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Surfing the Crimson Wave
ᴛᴀʟᴍᴇʀɪᴇ @reimisan
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yaasshat @yaasshat
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Surfing the Crimson Wave
yaasshat @yaasshat
If anything, being obese or even being anorexic can stop or just screw up periods. However, a little weight gain during a period is also VERY normal. I will say this,you ain't popping a baby out without ANY pain. I watched as my son's head crowned, there was a tear, too... Women can split from their V to their A, literally and it's VERY common. That and a lot may inadvertently shit, but that's neither here nor there.
Weight doesn't make it any easier, either way.
But let's get to the nitty gritty... Period sex. There's actually a good chunk of women that have an increased sex drive during their period and sex can relieve some of the uncomfortable symptoms, too. Sex is good for headaches and even a stuffy nose (Works for men in that capacity, too.). Don't let the delicious cherry filling scare ya away from a good time if she's in the mood... The consistency may vary and you may come out looking like you stabbed someone with your penis as an added bonus.
I'm only bringing up period sex since so many people seem to think periods are somehow something to be ashamed of and sex during that time is "icky". Of course, both need to be comfortable with it, but it's not a time where there "can't" be sex
Also... It's been a while...a loooong while for me... Yippee for marital problems!!! That might contribute thinking of sex first.
Veru @verucassault
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Surfing the Crimson Wave
Veru @verucassault
That time for me is like a day or two before I start mine. My cramps are so bad though the thought of having sex right now literally repulses me. I don't understand how women could want to. I know orgasms release endorphins that can act as pain relievers but, to me, it would be like trying to massage a fresh burn or bruise.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Surfing the Crimson Wave
yaasshat @yaasshat
Yeah,I can only imagine. I had a girlfriend years ago who had endometriosis. During her periods, she was usually curled up in a ball on a couch. If yours are anywhere near that bad, I can understand not being in the mood AT ALL.
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