How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
princeprice @princeprice
How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
princeprice @princeprice
I'm just an anxious bag of potatoes so I don't know how i'm supposed to go about getting a boyfriend. I was hoping they would just come to me but that hasn't happened yet -_-
rxkip @rxkip
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How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
rxkip @rxkip
i know how you feel a lot of guys including me have or do feel the same way. i've found it easiest to find someone you can be a friend with first and get to know them before commiting to a full relationship. the hardest part about finding a significant other is the introductory part. for guys its hard sometimes to talk to people they think are cute or attractive so just saying hi and starting random conversations with people may lead to finding someone someday. but luckily if your here you probably have a bunch of things in common with a lot of people here atleast anime or something along those lines
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
I'm more in the "be direct" part, playing the friend if you want a serious relationship doesn't work in most of the cases- Just tell them what you want, that usually works
Rei @reisenpai66
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How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
Rei @reisenpai66
Just bee ur self :3
. @purpleprince
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How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
. @purpleprince
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Ghost @kuharido
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How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
Ghost @kuharido
Don't shower for three days. Rub honey all over your genitals. Go to a crowded place and fan your pheromones everywhere.
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Serious answer is that most guys are interested in women and will open up easily when conversing. The problem is that men like me think with our lower brains. Do not lower yourself if some guy pressures you into sexual relations without the intention of dating. Make it clear you want a serious relationship to weed out the nice guys and lurkers. Find common interests that he likes talking about and go from there organically. I am not perfect if so far from it, but I value an honest woman than a sketchy one who will lie to my face without flinching. Be confident in who you are as a person and approach some guys. They will not turn you away. Go in looking for a friend at first and if you feel like he likes you alot then tell him what you are looking for. If he ghosts you he is not the one. If he stays and likes that then he is right for you.
Funny answer...send memes
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How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
I worked with a bisexual man two years ago, he was my manager.
From his endless sexual stories apparently the trick to attract men 'as a man's is to be attractive or toned.
This is his opinion of course, from what he said, gay men tend to be overly critical and physical, so they pay an extreme amount of attention to that.
So I guess you should just work-out and push to be healthy and things will start falling in place once they start to notice you
Note; this probably will be different to a lots of users experiences
ᎶᏗᏁᎶᏕᏖᏗ ᏰᏗᏰᎩ @candystarmagic
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How the heck do I get a boyfriend ._.
ᎶᏗᏁᎶᏕᏖᏗ ᏰᏗᏰᎩ @candystarmagic
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