Anti social personality disorder

anthonela @anthonela
Anti social personality disorder
anthonela @anthonela
Do you know or have talked to a psychopath/sociopath?
How was your experience?

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Anti social personality disorder
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
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Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Anti social personality disorder
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Oh yeah! Talk to a guy like that all the time. He lives in my mirrors and looks good in Fedoras. He is surprisingly chill but lately he has been asking to shave my neck-beard!
Still is a better friend than most and will even visit me in my dreams UNLIKE SOME OTHER people I know that prefer to hang outside all the time by the lake Jason!
Why not invite me out on a road trip to New York or Space for once instead of just stabbing me in the heart strings? *sobs*
Thought we were friends?
Yet you'd rather hang out with that Michael fellow and shop around for masks. It's like I don't even exist to you anymore!

Lamby @momoichi
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Anti social personality disorder
Lamby @momoichi
isnt that a serious diagnosis? antisocial personality disorder?
theyr like, super sociopaths right?
im sure iv met some in my life and just never realized
iv met plenty of self absorbed delusional people who are allergic to accountability, but im lucky enough to not be able to say iv met a sociopath or psychopath and be able to say for certain they are
@bliss antisocial personality disorder isnt about being a loner, its more like being a sociopath
theyr manipulative and live in there own heads (i mean im no doctor and i dont mean to talk in a stigmatising way, this is just in my own words the best way to describe it)

GameOver @literallgarbage
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Anti social personality disorder
GameOver @literallgarbage
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Bitch please @tabris
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Anti social personality disorder
Bitch please @tabris
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anthonela @anthonela
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Anti social personality disorder
anthonela @anthonela
@garbage psychopath cant feel anything they lack the ability to empathize or love their brains are biologically incapable of doing that
Sociopath can feel love and empathy

kuroi_kenshi @kuroi_kenshi
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Anti social personality disorder
kuroi_kenshi @kuroi_kenshi
"Uh... At least 90% of all true otaku are in many ways antisocial and slightly "sociopathic"."
I wouldn't go that far to be honest - yeah, antisocial, but sociopathic? Isn't that a bit too much? :D
I'm your classic introvert, enjoying my me-time and all my hobbies instead of going out with friends (if there would be any friendos lol ;-;), but literally having no empathy at all isn't really a typical otaku thing in my opinion. Many otaku's I know are super nice and cute, but shy. Not emotionless at all. o:

laurachan @laurachan
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Anti social personality disorder
laurachan @laurachan
Guess I'm part of the 10% then since I'm not antisocial.

casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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Anti social personality disorder
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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