Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13
Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13
I'm looking for advice on how to find friends or folks with similar interests. I live in a small rural part of central Pennsylvania and to this day, anime isn't quite mainstream. I told my therapist that the characters and storylines in whichever anime I may be watching at the time, are my closest friends. But even then, enjoying it on my own is still a lonely hobby. My question is this... How do I share my hobbies and interests with others when there seems to be nobody interested?
cupofshinji @cupofshinji
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Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
cupofshinji @cupofshinji
I will try to help as best as I can. Since you are in a place where anime isn't mainstream try to meet with others on here who share interest in the same thing (so anime as an example). Although the people you meet on here are not from the same area as you, I am certain that you will meet some people who share the same interest as you. And I don't doubt that any anime you are watching at the time some will be more then happy to share about it with you. And if you wanna find friends on here, just look at the forums and you might find some good friends here. I am no expert on this kind of stuff but I hope what I said helped out in some way. I wish you the best of luck.
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13
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Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13
I appreciate this very much. Using platforms such as this seems like a good starting point. I've always had problems staying engaged in online discussions, but I think that just boils down to me needing to put a better foot forward..
Kyle (nataku411) @nataku411
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Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
Kyle (nataku411) @nataku411
You'd be surprised how many people watch anime. While maybe not binge watchers, even folks at bars or the clubs have seen a few sometimes. Point being, don't be afraid to include anime as a hobby when you talk to people in public or otherwise, oftentimes it can lead to a relatable conversation.
Lishifu @hakutaku
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Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
Lishifu @hakutaku
Nice people will not judge you when you include anime as a hobby even if they don’t know a lot about anime.
lolax27 @lolax27
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Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
lolax27 @lolax27
Meeting people with similar interests can be difficult, it was the same thing in my case. At my school anime isn't common whatsoever. But since joining this site, I have met many wonderful people and the conversation is easier since we already have a starting point for conversations. As for real life friends, even people who don't watch anime I have found can be interested in hearing more about it. Anyone who genuinely wants to be your friend will not judge you or hold anything against you based on your interests. It is the opposite, they'll want to see you happy no matter what you enjoy.
zacknero03 @zacknero03
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Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
zacknero03 @zacknero03
Honestly, the hard part is the ability to go out. Am not sure about the conventions in your area, but that is a small start.
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Loneliness might be a bigger threat than smoking, but it helps you avoid people who smoke or even inhale other similar things. It even helps you study and relax out from noisy or even dangerous environments and hangouts.
As for depression, I'd rather let aging to death take me down than manually put my life down. But most importantly, struggle hard and increase little by little.
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
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Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
foo_fighter @foo_fighter
prolly try and meet people at cons or maybe make friends online and meet up if you can.
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13
commented on
Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13
I really want to thank you all for the advice and suggestions. Hopefully, since I've been more open about myself, things will slowly work themselves out. I've found even at work, talking about my interests, they might look at me strange but nobody judges the way I would have suspected. That's foul on my part, expecting others to be so judgmental. I suspect, it's a two way thing. Being open, and at the same time, letting others in.
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