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foo_fighter @foo_fighter
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foo_fighter @foo_fighter
thanks for the add
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
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meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Thank you for adding me(o^^o)♪
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13 Thank YOU!
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985 You're welcome.
Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13
commented on
Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13
I really want to thank you all for the advice and suggestions. Hopefully, since I've been more open about myself, things will slowly work themselves out. I've found even at work, talking about my interests, they might look at me strange but nobody judges the way I would have suspected. That's foul on my part, expecting others to be so judgmental. I suspect, it's a two way thing. Being open, and at the same time, letting others in.
Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13
commented on
Dealing w/ Depression and Loneliness
xaldyn13 @xaldyn13
I appreciate this very much. Using platforms such as this seems like a good starting point. I've always had problems staying engaged in online discussions, but I think that just boils down to me needing to put a better foot forward..