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I am looking for a husbando

me! date me! i'm a guy. i'm 18. i enjoy doing lots of things; (board) games, netflix (anime), archery, improving in anything (im competitive), cooking, keeping my workspace/living space clean (and yes i enjoy doing that, because it gives a sense of fulfillment!) and playing the piano and probably lots more that i'm forgetting out! i run to keep healthy, i enjoy doing anything with people, mainly friends and family, i'm a very social person. I LIKE LONG WALKS ON THE BEACH AND WOULD LOVE TO WATCH AN ANIME WITH YOU THAT HAS ONE IN IT. OwO
Oct 15, 19 at 3:09pm
*a new competitor steps forward jojo style* *tips fedora* How do you do, my future companion? *kisses hand gingerly* I am honored to finally meet your acquaintance. Why should you pick me? Why, because our red strings of fate are intertwined, binding knots keeping us together. Ara ara, my Lambgirl, do I see your cheeks dust a bashful red? How cute. My life goal is to keep you safe, warm, secure, and happy. My competition here, well calling them competition is a compliment, are all kissless virgins, unequipped with the worldly knowledge that is needed when servicing a companion. While being inexperienced, their devilish eyes linger on the frames of others, others that do not compare to your lovely figure. I offer unequal loyalty. After all, you are all I see to begin with. To think only of you is common place for me. My Lambgirl, i await your answer. With all the love, Lambimatsu Chu~ https://66.media.tumblr.com/06d823795eef4171c17f556442fcef1b/tumblr_o4tlu9XQQz1v2d7cso4_540.gif
Pick lamboo, pick lamboo!! Even I wanna marry her after that speech <3
Oct 15, 19 at 3:13pm
ku ku ku your too kind, my lamboy http://pa1.narvii.com/6455/6de6d392e555eb56b93e511298a2c639b302e32c_00.gif
new strategy of leading with a chad move
Oct 15, 19 at 3:44pm
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/d122cf572806b2a2c6c6a70d0dc7527f/5E0F6A07/t51.2885-15/e35/s480x480/46717649_579358995838867_5171810281556539817_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com https://pics.me.me/thumb_i-showed-you-my-stick-answer-me-lol-this-shit-42538037.png https://dailylolpics.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/I-showed-you-my-heart-1024x983.jpg
The fact that this thread is a joke but some of you actually spent 5 minutes to write a CV has actually made my day, bless you all so cute and I appreciate all of you UwU
Oct 16, 19 at 7:40am
5 minutes? Y-yeah! I totally only took 5 minutes! I definitely did not spend an hour constructing a CV with the intent of going out on a date! That'd be absurd! Haha...
^ awh
oof so it was a joke after all XD
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