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Favorite Disney films

Since I made a thread about Live Action Disney films awhile back, I thought why don't I make one where everyone talks about some of their personal favorite Disney/Pixar movies this time. So here we go! The Sword in the Stone- There's something about this movie that really drew me in as a kid. I don't know of too many people who loves this film or would call it a favorite of theirs? But I have a soft spot for it. I remember the countless times when I'd go the library to borrow this movie on VHS. I never really got into "The Once and Future King" though I was forced to read it in high school for English class. But I loved this adaptation and still do to this day. Archimedes is a hoot(Pun intended) and Merlin was a very fun character. It was kind of like a coming of age story, with morals, along with really funny slapstick all put together. Aladdin- I've talked about this before in the other thread, but I grew up with this movie. Love the Story, songs, the gorgeous Disney animation, and there's a good balance of comedy, action, and adventure. Robin Williams really made this movie work in the way that it did. He poured all of his best improv into his performance. Tarzan- I've never read the book by Edgar Rice Borrough, but this was one of my favorite movies as a kid aside from Aladdin. There's some really intense moments along with quick paced animation in many of the action scenes. I saw this movie in the theaters when it came out in 1999, it completely blew my mind. Also, it might be my opinion but I really think that the music with Phil Collins actually works despite whether you like or hate his music. That transition in the song "Son of Man" is one of my favorite parts of the movie. Fantasia(The original version from 1940)- I'll admit, I honestly didn't appreciate this movie when I first saw it as a 5 year old. I liked the Sorceror's Apprentice and The Story of Life, (I think that's what it's called the parts with the Dinosaurs right?(Cause I was really into Dinos back then) The other segments bored me so I actually didn't finish it. It took several years ago when I finally sat down and gave it another chance. I absolutely loved it. This movie is aimed more towards adults, so that was pretty much the reason why I didn't get into it the first time around. But it's artistically brilliant in all levels. The music matches the animation and you let the viewer sit back to soak in the emotion. Night on Bald Mountain and St. Ave Maria is one of the best segments. The transition from Darkness to light is really amazing done. Like even if you're not religious it's really powerful stuff. Toy Story 2- It seems like Disney/Pixar is putting up more sequels to this franchise. I'm not sure why the need to continue after the third one? But anyways, the 2nd Toy Story is my favorite Pixar movie. It was a huge step up compared to the first movie. The CGI on the humans got better but I honestly found the story and characters so much more interesting than the first one. There's more clever jokes thrown in and occasional references. Randy Newman, despite the countless jokes that seemed to be thrown at him back in the day he honestly did a great job with the songwriting in the movie.
The Little Mermaid. I believe it to be the greatest thing Disney has ever produced.
Jul 28, 19 at 3:32am
I liked The Heavyweights. Then Mulan in close 2nd. (edit: Um...that was supposed to be a gif.)
Jul 28, 19 at 5:32am
toy story two? not three or four? (four being my favorite) thats interesting! Classic disney? Lilo and Stitch. It was surprisingly mature for its time and the relationship between Lilo and her sister really touched me. Plus i could really relate to Lilo as a kid, being odd and everyone hating you for it (the original script had more of a political angle with all the white people in hawaii) https://media2.giphy.com/media/au3SaQOCbZqNO/giphy.gif Pixar? Coco. and a Bugs Life. I've seen Coco four times and i could keep watching it. It really didn't receive the marketing it deserved outside of Mexico. The visuals are still better than the films that have come after it and though it lacks the multitude of songs that the disney influence usually has, the songs it does are memorable. Remember Me is one of the greatest Disney/Pixar songs ever written. It's meaningful in its simplicity. https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/2018/07/02/critics-summer-series2018/assets/gifs/aisha_promo-320.gif A Bug's Life had a great message of unity, the majority uprising against the oppressive majority. Plus, Hopper was a bad ass, one of the best and most overlooked animated villains http://24.media.tumblr.com/4b68eb62ae6acd5229f1293a91d5206d/tumblr_msmjloDaKt1snsjmyo8_250.gif BUT MY FAVORITE ANIMATED FILM OF ALL TIME dreamworks Road to Eldorado I've seen it countless times and will continue to binge it. It is a classic. I don't care what other people say, it's the best animated film ever. https://66.media.tumblr.com/29954241d4d63cfec58fa73bb4c8d448/tumblr_nu0nfwfquI1qgwefso1_500.gif
Jul 28, 19 at 5:38am
the best Pixar villain is SO SHINNYYYYY https://66.media.tumblr.com/95540d40d4535cdcf889c33d8a32b11b/tumblr_olnlm7AZhY1u0f08eo8_400.gif the best disney villain is Frollo https://media.giphy.com/media/trv3xMeJPPp4I/giphy.gif He's the only Disney villain that actually has guilt over what he's doing (if only a little)
The best Disney villain is the consumer.
Jul 28, 19 at 5:41am
Disney is gonna be our overlords some day and we need to accept that https://guidelive.imgix.net/1431625431-kent.jpg?fit=crop&crop=faces,top,right&q=50&w=400&h=300
I like lion king,treasure planet, toy story and mulan
@Lamby, that's a great list. I really like a lot of those movies myself especially Lilo and Stitch. I actually saw Coco very recently since I missed it in theaters. It's a very powerful film. And it's kinda rare to see cultural influences from Disney. There's the Three Calaberos, Lilo and Stitch, Moana, and Coco. I mean, there's the short Bao but it's not really a full length feature like the rest. Also, I agree with you about The Road to El Dorado. It's got such fantastic comedic writing, fun characters, and i like the storytelling. Oh and Jim Cummings voices the bad guy so that's awesome. The soundtrack may not be memorable, but comedy esque adventure is what makes it great. XP
Fantasia! https://media.giphy.com/media/9L0tc1wf6vKSI/giphy.gif
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