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Any other guy hate the fact they're always kinda horny? :/

side-note: i find dick jokes extremely uncomfortable lol, i almost hate them because of it
"The first round is always just the warm up" *chokes* yoOOoOoO??????? XDDDDD
i find masturbation helps to calm my primal urges to go out and claim a woman, thusly i am single
Agreed it’s a weird basic primal urge that has no meaning unless your actually trying to make a little version of yourself. It’s a good “release” from life but after it’s just like why did I do that. Just best not to think about it. On the whole scenery end I mean it’s the same for every guy I imagine so don’t feel alone. Just happens whether you like it or not. I personally don’t cause it causes awkward stares and if your like me and anti social it stops at awkward stares so ya I see what ur saying. Once u find someone to draw your attention I imagine it’ll stop but till then. Gata deal with the hornyness embrace the dark side!
always masterbate before an important decision. Gives you a clear head
Ah, post masturbation clarity. It's a thing.
Masturbating allows you to differentiate between a girl you thought was super attractive (on your horny state) and the girl that is actually a paris catacombs dweller (post masturbation clarity)
Ah, the aftershock of 'Oh god what was I thinking'
Everyone has been there
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