Obligatory Introduction

mike_delta25 @mike_delta25
Obligatory Introduction
mike_delta25 @mike_delta25
Hello everyone! A moment alone with my thoughts and I thought why not take a leap of faith and make an account here? I hope to get along with the community!

kratos10987 @kratos10987
commented on
Obligatory Introduction
kratos10987 @kratos10987
Welcome! Just about everyone here is nice. We have a troll lurking about who will often spam up the place, but it's kind of entertaining to watch him waste his time like that.

bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
commented on
Obligatory Introduction
bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
Hey dude fancy seeing you here!
>Bashful_Hubris: Has left the chat.

Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
commented on
Obligatory Introduction
Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
Yo, fill up your profile more :D (it helps).
Welcome to the site, I hope you will have good time.
We have few threads with thought.. just spam there what you think atm :D
Jaa Nee!

mike_delta25 @mike_delta25
commented on
Obligatory Introduction
mike_delta25 @mike_delta25
I feel welcomed already, thanks much.

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Obligatory Introduction
Lishifu @hakutaku
Welcome to this community~Interacting with active users on the forums is fun~Enjoy your stay

CAC @cac
commented on
Obligatory Introduction
CAC @cac

sushie @sushie
commented on
Obligatory Introduction
sushie @sushie
Welcome to the site and enjoy!

Jessie @erendel
commented on
Obligatory Introduction
Jessie @erendel
Hello there, welcome.
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