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Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
Elgardiel @maxkarateboy

First of all:
SOON I will catch up to all you lovly boys and girls Neverlad <3 Hakutaku <3 and mighty Beherit <3
Life is very unpredictable.
As from 10.11.2021 I am single after 12 y relationship.
I am in middle in to moving in to my own space, lots of stress, lots of time taken by that...
...but when I will be all sorted, I shall catachap to all of you A LOT!
Love form land of Tea via Polish import xD
P.S. My last tattoo ... I know Majin is SO common, however, why not put his smile on me... look at him, he is so confident!
P.S. Done by Kaziu in Poland, land of Potatoes (Poznan City). 9.5h ... auu xD
I am not a like person, but 3k + likes ...was a WOW for me xD

Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Lishifu @hakutaku

Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You

Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
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Make A Lie Aboout The Person Above You
Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
Hates Pierogi. :D
Meme Repost Spam Thread V2

Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
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Meme Repost Spam Thread V2
Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
