Current Mood/How Was Your Day?

sparkfyremuselyras @sparkfyremuselyras
Current Mood/How Was Your Day?
sparkfyremuselyras @sparkfyremuselyras
Pretty much this thread is for telling a short story about how your day was, or things you're currently excited or upset or anything like that about. Not sure if a similar thread already exists, but meh, let's do it anyways.
For example, me, I'm kinda down, because I heard NoBrandCon, an anime con in Wisconsin, is going on in Wisconsin Dells this weekend, but I have no money or transportation or days off from work for it. Still, I was able to go once, back when it was in Eau Claire, and from that experience I'd say even if I did go I wouldn't know what to do with myself or what to do there. First and only con I've been to, by the way.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Current Mood/How Was Your Day?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Just woke up to donuts, so far so good

ToWeebOrNotToWeeb @toweebornottoweeb
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Current Mood/How Was Your Day?
ToWeebOrNotToWeeb @toweebornottoweeb

ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
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Current Mood/How Was Your Day?
ヤンデレ王子 Audio @darkprinceofaudio
Fantastic. I ran into an old friend from middle school and was able to reconnect with them.

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Current Mood/How Was Your Day?
Lishifu @hakutaku
Nothing~I found some old and unpopular anime on Bilibili,I'm not sure if I will watch them;Also, I participated in the podcast as a lurker;My efficiency in responding to messages is still low.

sparkfyremuselyras @sparkfyremuselyras
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Current Mood/How Was Your Day?
sparkfyremuselyras @sparkfyremuselyras
Hungry- I just finished my vidya game session for the day and I'm starting a pizza while setting up to watch anime for the rest of the day.

Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
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Current Mood/How Was Your Day?
Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
Change of time rob me 1h of my life, I woke up 11 (normaly is 7) long nap ... Shoppingu ... Fuled Fezza, went to Mc D., went visit friend, watched lots of YT tutorials, watch few stand up's, Quality time with Waifu ... hm.. I felt like I wasted my day, but writing this down it feels like I did a lot xD
Lazy productive xD
Taa Daa xD

sparkfyremuselyras @sparkfyremuselyras
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Current Mood/How Was Your Day?
sparkfyremuselyras @sparkfyremuselyras
Tired, but I'm also satisfied with what I've gotten done today. I've done what I can with some of the problems I have and aren't really worrying about the problems I don't think I can really do anything about at this time. I've also taken some time out (make that a lot of time out, probably more than was wise) to relax and de-stress from my last work week so tomorrow when my next workweek starts I can face it in a slightly better mood.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Current Mood/How Was Your Day?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
My phone is all sorts of fucked, and since its currently my only watch other than my laptop, and has all my alarms, I woke up at 1pm with no alarms going off, and my phone said 4:21am. Thus I had no time to finish up paying my city tax, or get the serpentine belt on my car replaced, or replace my phone. Upon arriving at work, I was sent to a sadist of an operator, who upon learning my meds raise my heart rate did the sensible and safe thing... And cranked up the speed to 11 out of 10 just to watch yet another temp worker squirm under his oppressive boot. (The guy must have a small dick, totally calling that one.) I didn't exactly eat today, since all my food for the entire week was stolen from the fridge by someone who eligibly got fired on Tuesday.
I have normal people problems.
On better news, I got my new sword today.

neven_cruor @neven_cruor
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Current Mood/How Was Your Day?
neven_cruor @neven_cruor

Poopy!! But as soon as I can get home and sleep it’ll be 100x better
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